Define "Normal" Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Define "Normal" Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What has Jazz done to her new Levis that upsets Mrs. Luther?
(a) Jazz has bleached the jeans white.
(b) Jazz has cut the knees and butt out of the jeans.
(c) Jazz has tie-dyed the jeans in rainbow colors.
(d) Jazz has painted musical notes all over the jeans.

2. When Antonia hands in her homework to her math teacher, why is she embarrassed?
(a) Antonia is embarrassed because she did the wrong problems.
(b) Antonia is embarrassed because she had to write her homework on newspaper.
(c) Antonia is embarrassed because her youngest brother spilled cereal on it.
(d) Antonia is embarrassed because her math homework is messy and covered with erasure marks.

3. What does Antonia make for dinner and then try to get her mother to eat in Chapter 3?
(a) Hot pizza.
(b) Italian spaghetti.
(c) Fried chicken.
(d) Roast beef.

4. What is Jazz's mother's first name?
(a) Annabelle.
(b) Linda.
(c) Marguerite.
(d) Sylvia.

5. Antonia's mom perks up and promises to take them on a picnic to Cherokee Reservoir. What happens?
(a) Antonia's mom cannot find enough money to buy food.
(b) Antonia's mom gets lost on the way and has to turn back.
(c) Antonia's mom cannot turn the car on to get out of the driveway.
(d) Antonia's mom runs out of gas.

6. What word does Jazz use to describe Antonia during the peer counseling session in Chapter 4?
(a) Bode.
(b) Phatt.
(c) Cool.
(d) Nerdy.

7. When Antonia goes out to dinner with the Luthers, what does she order?
(a) Shrimp.
(b) Steak.
(c) Spaghetti.
(d) Lobster.

8. Antonia's mother paid the electric bill, but how does she do it?
(a) She uses Antonia's savings to pay it.
(b) She sells her wedding ring to pay it.
(c) She finds $100 in the cookie jar and uses that to pay for it.
(d) She stands on the corner and begged for money to pay it.

9. During the counseling session after Chuckie's hospitalization, what does Jazz do for Antonia to help her be less stress?
(a) Jazz gave Amtonia a shoulder massage.
(b) Jazz gave Antonia a hundred dollar bill.
(c) Jazz gave Antonia a wild haircut.
(d) Jazz gave Antonia a special music CD.

10. How does Michael feel about Antonia's letting Mrs. Luther believe her dad is dead?
(a) Michael threatens to blurt out the truth.
(b) Michael gets really nervous and starts stuttering out facts about his dad.
(c) Michael starts hitting Antonia because he is mad about what she says.
(d) Michael agrees to keep Antonia's secret.

11. According to Jazz, how do teachers feel about her?
(a) They love her.
(b) They ignore her.
(c) They don't know her.
(d) They hate her.

12. How does Antonia find out about where her family has gone?
(a) Antonia gets a visit from the police.
(b) Antonia receives a phone call from Michael.
(c) Antonia receives a text message from a strange man.
(d) Antonia sees a news report on television about a lost woman with two young sons.

13. What does Antonia secretly think about Jazz's tattoo?
(a) It is sort of cool.
(b) It is too big.
(c) It is the wrong color.
(d) It is gross.

14. Michael is sent by himself to buy food. Where does Antonia's mother send him?
(a) McDonalds.
(b) Kentucky Fried Chicken.
(c) Arby's.
(d) Taco Bell.

15. How many hours does Jazz say she has to spend in peer counseling?
(a) 10.
(b) 15.
(c) 4.
(d) 25.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the kindly neighbor who watches Antonia's brothers?

2. When Antonia leaves for her lesson at Jazz's house, Antonia tells her mother she will be home by a certain time. What time is that?

3. Jazz works at her parents' country club in the summer months. What does she do?

4. What school does Jazz hope to attend?

5. What is the name of Jazz's only sibling?

(see the answer keys)

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