Deep Six Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Deep Six Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did the torpedoes find the Venice?
(a) By heat.
(b) By sound.
(c) None of these.
(d) By trajectory.

2. Who is the Captain of the Venice?
(a) James Manyai.
(b) James Mongai.
(c) James Mangyai.
(d) James Mangai.

3. What preservation factor worked in the government's favor?
(a) That they had been frozen.
(b) That they had risen to the surface.
(c) That the bodies remained underwater with no contact to air.
(d) That Dirk had found them when he did.

4. What does Suvoyov think when he cannot find the Warehouse sized building?
(a) It was a boat.
(b) It was moved in the middle of the night.
(c) It was an aircraft carrier.
(d) It was an underground facility.

5. What poison was used in the deaths of the men from the river?
(a) Hemlock.
(b) Rohypnol.
(c) Turpentine.
(d) GHB.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many days will it take Lugovoy to finish the project?

2. What sense is missing in dreams?

3. What does Suvoyov tell Larimer he is?

4. How many of the civilians were Asiatic in nature?

5. How did Moran strike Pitt?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Hemlock the most well known for? How was the Hemlock administered to the victims?

2. What is Fawcett's argument against making the statement to the press?

3. What insults were used in regard to the President of the U.S. from Moran, and what does this say about his character?

4. How did it become obvious that Suvorov was acting under what he thought was the best interests of the Soviet government?

5. How did Admiral Sandecker know that Pitt had been on board the Eagle?

6. Why did the Russians monitor people who were working closely for them in America?

7. Why did Pitt order the four people into the shower?

8. How did the President stop Congress from convening?

9. What is the difference between Lugovoy and Suvorov's opinions regarding Madam Bougainville's 'hospitality'?

10. How did Moran nurture a carefully controlled public image?

(see the answer keys)

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