The Death of the Heart Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Death of the Heart Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who answers the door for the visitor in part 1, chapter 7?
(a) Portia.
(b) Phyllis.
(c) Matchett.
(d) Anna.

2. In what time does the novel begin?
(a) 1830s.
(b) 1970s.
(c) 1930s.
(d) 1890s.

3. What is the school Portia attends like?
(a) It is a low-cost school for children with learning disabilities.
(b) It is an expensive school for gifted children.
(c) It is a public school, and she is sent there because it is low-cost.
(d) It is an expensive school for girls who are out-of-the-ordinary.

4. What does Major Brutt think of Anna's relationship with Portia?
(a) He thinks Portia is too young to be any good for company.
(b) He hopes that Portia will learn from Anna.
(c) He thinks Portia must make great company for Anna.
(d) He thinks it's odd that Anna wants to spend so much time with such a young girl.

5. Why is Anna upset about Portia's distress in part 1, chapter 2?
(a) Anna feels guilty for causing Portia to be upset.
(b) Anna hates having someone in the house that she must pity, but can't even pretend to love.
(c) Anna loves Portia, and hates seeing her upset.
(d) Anna is angry with Thomas for making Portia upset.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Denis ask Anna to check up on Eddie?

2. How does Portia feel about traveling alone?

3. What does Thomas notice about Portia and Eddie the first time he sees them together?

4. How did Matchett feel about Mrs. Quayne sending Mr. Quayne away?

5. What relationship exists between Mrs. Heccomb and Daphne?

Short Essay Questions

1. What attracted Thomas most to Anna?

2. How does Eddie react when Portia confronts him about holding Daphne's hand?

3. What is the reason Matchett gives Portia for Anna's displeasure with her in chapter 2?

4. What is the conversation that Portia has with Thomas in chapter 9?

5. How does Thomas feel about Portia?

6. How does Thomas react to Portia visiting him in his study?

7. What does Thomas wonder when Major Brutt visits?

8. What did Eddie do to Anna, after knowing her for several weeks, that upset her?

9. What does St. Quentin tell Portia about friendship?

10. What was Eddie and Anna's relationship like after Eddie started working for Thomas?

(see the answer keys)

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