Death and Judgment Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Donna Leon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death and Judgment Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Donna Leon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the initial setting in Chapter 1 of Donna Leon's DEATH AND JUDGMENT?

2. Why does the cop get arrested?

3. People initially thought the women were:

4. How many women were found dead or dying at the scene of the accident?

5. How was this particular former cop linked to Vianello?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is the next victim in the story? Where is the body found? Prominent accountant Rino Favero, the second victim, is found dead in his garage.

2. Who initially attempts to help the accident victims? Why might this action be unusual? What happened next?

3. What is the conversation between Paola and Brunetti after Chiara goes to bed? How does each character feel about the discussion?

4. Who is the first murder victim in the story? Where is the man going when he is murdered?

5. Explain the scene involving the truck in as much detail as possible. Include the location, the speed of the vehicle and where the truck came from in the first place.

6. What happened after the police were called? What was the response by officials?

7. What happens to the truck and the victims after the scene is cleared by the police?

8. Describe the people found at the scene at the accident. What questions are asked? What is the determination of the accident victims?

9. What is another connection between Trevisan and Favero?

10. How does Brunetti learn about Trevisan's murder? What are Brunetti's initial thoughts?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Salvatore Martucci became a partner in Carlo Trevisan's law firm with the aim of becoming a partner. Examine Martucci's agreement with Trevisan. What happened? How did Martucci become involved in the practice? Why did Brunetti see Martucci as a potential suspect? What was Martucci's relationship the Trevisans, Ubaldo Lotto and Rino Favero? Did Martucci do anything illegal or unethical?

Essay Topic 2

Various districts of the carabinieri are involved in the story, from the police in Tarvisio to Brunetti's Questura in Venice. Examine the use of various police districts and their related offices. What offices and districts were involved? Who is in charge of the entire investigation? Is it difficult to get cooperation from other agencies? How does the connection help or hinder Brunetti's case? What might make it easier for other districts and agencies to work together? What kind of authority would Patta have to help Brunetti and the case?

Essay Topic 3

Pinetta's bar was used in several instances in the story. Discuss the reason to use Pinetta's bar for meetings, interviews, stakeouts and corralling suspects. What benefits are there to using a bar opposed to a coffee shop or restaurant? What did Brunetti learn at Pinetta's? Do you think Franco will continue to do business at Pinetta's even after he was taken into Questura for questioning? What might the other patrons and bartender think of cops being in the bar?

(see the answer keys)

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