Dead in the Water Test | Final Test - Easy

Stuart Woods
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dead in the Water Test | Final Test - Easy

Stuart Woods
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Stone calls his secretary to have her send $25,000 to whom?
(a) His ex-wife.
(b) His mortgage company.
(c) The IRS.
(d) Libby's mother.

2. Who comes to the Shipwright's Arms looking for Stone?
(a) Jim.
(b) Cantor.
(c) Two cops.
(d) Sir Leslie.

3. Who refuses to visit with Allison even though she requests to see him?
(a) Stone.
(b) Jim.
(c) Thomas.
(d) Sir Leslie.

4. To whom does Stone give $400,000 from the sale of the yacht?
(a) Arrington.
(b) His son.
(c) Libby's mother.
(d) His ex-wife.

5. What does the plane's mechanic reveal when Stone goes to the airport to see him?
(a) He lied in his testimony at the coroner's inquest.
(b) He hasn't had his license very long and could have made a mistake.
(c) He had seen Thomas at the airport hangar the night before the crash.
(d) Anyone could have had access to the plane and tools on the night before the crash.

6. The mechanic of the plane in which Libby died testifies that the crash could have been caused by what?
(a) Inclement weather.
(b) A leaking fuel line.
(c) Pilot error.
(d) Mechanical failure.

7. Who is Sir Winston's surprise witness?
(a) Hilary Kramer.
(b) Phil Gerard.
(c) Frank Stendahl.
(d) Jim Forrester.

8. The jury in the coroner's inquest rules Libby's death to be ______________________.
(a) suicide.
(b) homicide.
(c) death by misadventure.
(d) foul play.

9. What is Allison's punishment?
(a) She is exiled from the island.
(b) She gets life in prison.
(c) She is hanged.
(d) She gets 15 years in prison.

10. What is the content of a fax which Stone receives from Arrington?
(a) She is held up due to a work deadline.
(b) She has married Vance Calder.
(c) She'll be arriving tomorrow.
(d) She wants to marry him on the island.

11. What does Stone suggest regarding Stendahl?
(a) He is a reporter.
(b) He is actually Paul Manning.
(c) He is a CEO on vacation.
(d) He is a private detective.

12. With whom does Stone go to lunch in Chapter 53?
(a) Sir Leslie.
(b) Allison.
(c) Jim.
(d) Thomas.

13. What information does Arrington's faxed letter to Stone contain?
(a) She is staying in California.
(b) She loves him very much.
(c) She is moving out of the house.
(d) She is too sick to travel.

14. Stone's two witnesses in the case are Allison and __________________.
(a) Seth Godown.
(b) Tania Mowry.
(c) Jim Forrester.
(d) Marcus Gerard.

15. The jury convicts Allison based on ___________________.
(a) media coverage.
(b) personal fear of Sir Winston.
(c) personal prejudice.
(d) evidence.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the content of the item in #111?

2. Who is the lawyer who represents Libby and her mother?

3. Who is having lunch with Sir Leslie when Stone goes to Sir Leslie's house?

4. Why does Sir Winston say he wants to see Stone?

5. What is Allison's demeanor when Stone goes over testimony with her?

(see the answer keys)

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