Dawn Test | Final Test - Medium

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Dawn Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is John Dawson staring at when Elisha enters his room to meet him?
(a) The window
(b) TV
(c) The pillow
(d) Ceiling

2. Who is no longer yawning when Elisha goes upstairs after the execution?
(a) Gad
(b) Gideon
(c) Ilana
(d) Joab

3. Gideon doesn't say a thing during his torture because he feels as if God is ____________ him.
(a) With
(b) Testing
(c) Protecting
(d) Watching

4. The boy finally tells Elisha that the dead are not there to ________, but because they go wherever he goes.
(a) Judge
(b) Upset
(c) Hurt
(d) Educate

5. At midnight, the dead leave the graveyard to go to the __________, not to pray, but to eat.
(a) Mausoleum
(b) Field
(c) Synagogue
(d) Library

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the women in her mid-twenties that Elisha met while at the work camp in France?

2. Elisha wants to ____________ Dawson, otherwise he's killing a man for no reason at all.

3. Who beats Elisha to bringing the food down to John Dawson?

4. Due to a ventilation system, Dawson's room is actually much less ___________ than the room above.

5. What does Ilana call Elisha, though he asks her to stop calling him that?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Gideon reveal to Elisha about John Dawson, which surprises Elisha?

2. What does Elisha begin to understand about the idea of killing others as he talks with the younger version of himself?

3. What is strange about the boy that Elisha sees among the dead people who begin to surround him in the room?

4. What does John Dawson request from Elisha after he begins to pace around the room?

5. How are things different when Elisha returns upstairs after the killing of John Dawson?

6. What is the question that Elisha asks of every ghost in the room with him, though he has a hard time getting an answer?

7. What did Gideon do to narrowly escape his own death, according to his recollection?

8. What do each of the people around the table slowly talk about as they are sitting together?

9. Who are some of the dead people that Elisha begins to see in the room around him?

10. Why does John Dawson appear to pity Elisha instead of being mad at him?

(see the answer keys)

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