Dark Life: Book 1 Test | Final Test - Medium

Kat Falls
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dark Life: Book 1 Test | Final Test - Medium

Kat Falls
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who saves Gemma's life?
(a) Ty.
(b) Jibby.
(c) Zoe.
(d) Doc.

2. What does Ty teach Gemma to do to get used to the ocean?
(a) Swim.
(b) Breathe underwater.
(c) Navigate.
(d) Talk to fish.

3. Why is Shade so surprised to see Ty at the saloon?
(a) He thought he was dead.
(b) He knows he is too young.
(c) He thought he was scared.
(d) He knows he has a job.

4. What does Ty do when he sees the prison?
(a) Runs away.
(b) Sends a message to Doc about it.
(c) Goes inside.
(d) Shoots at it.

5. Who knew the connection between Shae and Gemma before she did?
(a) Doc.
(b) Ty.
(c) Raj.
(d) Jibby.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Gemma's life saved?

2. What does Shade ask Ty in the elevator?

3. What medical task is Doc unable to do?

4. What music does Ty hear after Gemma realizes her brother was in Seablite?

5. What causes the crack in the wall for the settlers?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Ty stop Doc from shooting Shade a second time?

2. What does Ty say the settlers should do when the government refuses to continue helping them?

3. What does Ty see on the walls of some of the bunks in the prison?

4. What does Jibby do at the Peavey's house that makes Ty jealous?

5. What is Ty's Dark Gift?

6. What does Mrs. Spinner say about Gemma's brother?

7. How does Shade defend the actions of his gang?

8. How does Ty save all the settlers when the wall cracks open?

9. How does Gemma almost die at the end of the book?

10. Why does Shade get upset with Ty?

(see the answer keys)

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