Dance of the Gods Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dance of the Gods Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Blair say about the liquid that Glenna makes her drink?
(a) It's rough whiskey.
(b) Tastes like liquid tree bark.
(c) She wants more.
(d) It is wonderful.

2. What does Blair do after she has control of her emotions?
(a) Goes out to kill the vampires outside the house.
(b) Goes out to buy guns.
(c) Goes to the training room.
(d) Goes to the caves where Lilith is.

3. What does Blair tell Glenna when she is asking what is essential in Glenna's trunk?
(a) The horse cannot carry the trunk.
(b) They cannot take the ugly trunk.
(c) They have to go in lean and mobile.
(d) Glenna will have to bring a car just for the luggage.

4. What does Blair tell the young boy that she meets when he says he wants to kill demons?
(a) That he has the heart of a warrior.
(b) That his job must be to keep his mother and family safe inside.
(c) That he is too young.
(d) That he is too handsome for fighting.

5. What does Blair give Larkin as a gift?
(a) A harness.
(b) A sword.
(c) A lock of her hair.
(d) A ring.

6. What does Larkin's mother tell Blair?
(a) I want you to stop seeing my son.
(b) I believe you are going to be happy in Geall.
(c) I believe you are a fine warrior.
(d) I know Larkin shares your bed.

7. Where do the vampires come from in the end?
(a) Out of camaflaged hiding spaces.
(b) The ground.
(c) Seemingly out of thin air.
(d) Caves.

8. What does Blair want to think about trying to use as an advantage in the coming battle?
(a) Other wizards.
(b) The fire from the volcanos.
(c) The other dragons.
(d) Other warriors from the other worlds.

9. What shocks Blair and Glenna when they arrive in Geall?
(a) The way the air sparkles.
(b) The amazing creatures.
(c) The two moons.
(d) The castle they see.

10. What does Cian do before he leaves Moira?
(a) Slaps her.
(b) Kisses her.
(c) Bites her.
(d) Cuts her hand.

11. Why does Larkin explain to Blair that she does not want to be queen yet?
(a) She doesn't want to be the one to send her people to war.
(b) She is afraid the people won't serve a woman.
(c) She will be forced to get married if she is queen.
(d) She has been away too long.

12. What does Cian say he feels like when he puts on the cloak?
(a) An extra in a B movie.
(b) A dork.
(c) Like he has died and gone to hell.
(d) Nosferatu.

13. What does Blair do after Larkin asks her if her solution is to threaten, push, and shove?
(a) She begins crying.
(b) She throws him out of her room.
(c) She walks out of the room.
(d) She hits him in the face.

14. Who kills the second vampire?
(a) Glenna.
(b) Cian.
(c) Larkin.
(d) Riddock.

15. What does Riddock say concerns him about letting Blair, Hoyt, Glenna, and Cian take charge of the military?
(a) They have strict chain of command set up.
(b) They have a prophecy about the vampires.
(c) They are not Geallian.
(d) They were sent by the goddess.

Short Answer Questions

1. What two weapons does Blair tell the men are most effective against vampires?

2. What does Riddock say when Blair asks him if he will fight?

3. Why does Moira call Blair to come see her?

4. What does Larkin do when Blair jokes that he might stick in the form of a four-legged animal?

5. What does Moira say that they need to do to help train the men?

(see the answer keys)

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