Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does not overlap across state boundaries?
(a) Treaty rights.
(b) Water.
(c) Buffalo.
(d) Tribes.

2. What traditional Republican myth did Watkins insist on regarding the Indians?
(a) That the state would be more efficient than the Federal Government in caring for them.
(b) The Indians should become Christian.
(c) The Indians want to control their own destiny.
(d) The Indians would be better off on their own, without government involvement.

3. What does the author believe anthropologists should do in the future?
(a) Stop worrying about publishing and live among the Indians.
(b) Learn the art of the Indians and give up anthropology.
(c) Stop researching and preying on the Indian, and start helping.
(d) Start writing everything down.

4. By 1943, what was the Senate Interior Committee convinced should happen?
(a) The Indian Bureau should be abolished.
(b) All land should be taken from Indians.
(c) Indians should be abolished.
(d) Indians should be compensated for land loss.

5. Who appointed Dillon Myer as Commissioner of Indian Affairs?
(a) President Eisenhower.
(b) President Nixon.
(c) President Roosevelt.
(d) President Truman.

6. When does the author believe was the last time that true democracy was alive among Indian tribes?
(a) 1885.
(b) 1756.
(c) The 1960s.
(d) Pre-Columbian days.

7. What happened to most of the treaties in the far west of the country?
(a) They were never ratified by Congress.
(b) The field offices lost the written documents years ago.
(c) They were never broken and followed carefully.
(d) The written documents never made it back to Washington.

8. What is the purpose of the Oklahoma Original Cherokee Community Organization?
(a) Defending marriages on the Cherokee Reservation performed by Native American Ministers.
(b) Defending water rights for the Cherokee Nation.
(c) Defending school financing on the Cherokee Reservation.
(d) Defending hunting and treaty rights of the Cherokee.

9. In the minds of most Indians, what is the best way to eradicate a species?
(a) Put it in the care of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
(b) Authorize Stewart Udall to conserve it.
(c) Let white America care for it.
(d) Hand it over to the care of the Interior Department.

10. What are the two mainstream American Indian organizations?
(a) The National War Survivors of America.
(b) The National Land Rights Owners.
(c) The National Water Rights of Indian Reservations.
(d) The National Congress of American Indians and the National Indian Youth Council.

11. What television series began in 1967 that Indians fought to have banned?
(a) A series on Davy Crockett.
(b) A series on Lewis and Clark.
(c) A series on Custer.
(d) A series on Kennedy.

12. What phrases does Mr. Farb continue to use when talking about Indians?
(a) Test tubes and living laboratories.
(b) Below standard.
(c) Stupid and slow.
(d) Inferior.

13. What kind of people do anthropologists believe the Indians are?
(a) A folk people.
(b) A white people.
(c) A foreign people.
(d) A native people.

14. According to the author, for those whites who do not claim Indian heritage, what asset do they have that connects them with American Indians?
(a) They ARE Indians.
(b) They donate to Indian colleges.
(c) They understand Indians.
(d) They have friends who are Indians.

15. Who was Arthur Watkins?
(a) A Mormon named as head the Indian subcommittees in the Senate and House.
(b) President Truman's Chief of Staff.
(c) The chairman appointed to run the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
(d) A poet who wrote about the Indian problems.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the survey of 1086 called?

2. Why did the Klamath Bill have to be amended?

3. What is the oldest, continuous Indian-run organization?

4. Once Dillon Myer took over, what was the policy instated from Commissioner to field clerk regarding Indians?

5. What other name is the Wheeler-Howard Act known by?

(see the answer keys)

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