The Crucible Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Crucible Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Hale first enters, who helps him with the things he is carrying?
(a) Tituba.
(b) Parris.
(c) Rebecca Nurse.
(d) Mary Warren.

2. Why does Abigail slap Betty in Act 1?
(a) She is scared that Betty is being controlled by evil spirits.
(b) She is angry that Betty is getting all of the attention.
(c) She is angry when Betty reminds Abigail that she drank blood to punish Elizabeth.
(d) She is angry that the other girls are turning on her.

3. Who asks if Parris has gone through the "proper channels" to investigate witchcraft in Salem?
(a) Mr. Putnam.
(b) John Proctor.
(c) Rebecca.
(d) Abigail.

4. Where does this play take place?
(a) Salem, Virginia.
(b) Salem, New Hampshire.
(c) Salem, Oregon.
(d) Salem, Massachussetts.

5. Who thinks Ruth and Betty are simply suffering from a childish fit?
(a) Rebecca Nurse.
(b) John Proctor.
(c) Tituba.
(d) Abigail.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of expertise does Hale have?

2. What does Tituba know will happen to her if she doesn't "confess."

3. Why did Parris want the deed to his own house?

4. Who asks Rebecca Nurse to treat his daughter?

5. When Susan leaves the Parris household she is asked a favor. What is it?

Short Essay Questions

1. Mercy Lewis tells Parris that she thinks that Ruth is feeling better near the end of Act 1. What gives her the idea that she is on the mend?

2. When Reverend Hale first arrives, he enters Parris' home carrying something. What is he carrying and why would the author choose this object for this character?

3. To what extent is Betty really sick?

4. According to whom would Betty's scream be evidence of witchcraft and why?

5. Rebecca Nurse makes a snide comment to Mrs. Putnam before she leaves Parris' home to go home. What is it and what is she implying?

6. Why is Rebecca Nurse able to calm Betty?

7. Describe John Proctor.

8. Why do John Proctor and Mr. Putnam not like one another?

9. Why does Abigail threaten Betty and Tituba with death?

10. Does Tituba come up with the idea of other townspeople talking to the devil?

(see the answer keys)

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