Cross Creek Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cross Creek Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following baked goods was considered from "the high caste"?
(a) Biscuits.
(b) Chocolate brownies.
(c) Stawberry muffins
(d) Bundt cake.

2. What did Rawlings hang in the orange groves to repel hawks?
(a) A mirror.
(b) A dirty tennis shoe.
(c) A gin bottle.
(d) A maypole.

3. How did neighboring towns warn those in Cross Creek of impending frost?
(a) With a telephone call.
(b) They did not warn of changing weather.
(c) With a train whistle.
(d) With a smoke signal.

4. After the stormy month, what crop was typically harvested?
(a) Cotton.
(b) Sweet corn.
(c) Sugar Cane.
(d) Oranges.

5. According to Rawlings, the test of true beauty was the ability to withstand what?
(a) Self reflection.
(b) Knowledge.
(c) Mortality.
(d) Loss.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Rawlings, which season suggested "relaxation and indolence"?

2. Which of the following do rattlesnakes have a poor sense of?

3. Which of the following birds did Rawlings build a pen for on her property?

4. How many frogs did Rawlings catch on her first frog hunting trip?

5. Which of the following birds were almost extinct in Cross Creek until the government began to protect them?

Short Essay Questions

1. What vegetables were regularly eaten in Cross Creek?

2. What bad omens appeared on Rawlings's farm the day the murderer escaped in Cross Creek?

3. How did Rawlings feel when Kate's brother was in town?

4. What type of relationship did Rawlings have with the frogs that overtook Cross Creek in springtime?

5. How did Rawlings know that the season was changing from spring to summer based on the activity outside her window?

6. How did Rawlings kill the cottonmouth snake she found in her house?

7. What weapons did Rawlings believe all African-American servants had over their employers?

8. What type of snakes lived on Rawlings's property, and how did she feel about these different varieties?

9. What types of bread were regularly served in Cross Creek, and which was Rawlings's favorite?

10. How did Rawlings overcome her fear of snakes?

(see the answer keys)

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