Corregidora Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Corregidora Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Finish the line: "He made them make love to anyone, so that they ______."
(a) Hated everyone else.
(b) Couldn't love anyone.
(c) Wouldn't feel alone.
(d) Couldn't leave him.

2. What year is it at the beginning of Chapter 4?
(a) 1950.
(b) 1974.
(c) 1932.
(d) 1969.

3. What does Ursa say back to Mutt at the end of the novel?
(a) She will always hate Mutt.
(b) She could kill Mutt and not feel a thing.
(c) She does not want a man that would hurt her.
(d) She loves Mutt.

4. What is the necklace that Ursa wears while visiting her mother made from?
(a) Seeds.
(b) Pearls.
(c) Avocado pits.
(d) Trade beads.

5. Where does Jeffrene tell Ursa Cat works at?
(a) The dog kennel.
(b) The Wax Works.
(c) The Lumber mill.
(d) The fabric shop.

6. What does May Alice think about using on herself when she thinks she is pregnant the first time?
(a) Tongs.
(b) A coat hanger.
(c) A pair of scissors.
(d) A knitting needle.

7. What does Ursa bring her mother when she comes to visit her?
(a) Avocadoes.
(b) Pictures.
(c) Flowers.
(d) Cookies.

8. Where does Jeffrene work?
(a) Mr. Deak's store.
(b) The Narcotics hospital.
(c) Happy's.
(d) The Spider.

9. Where does Mutt say he has a job?
(a) At the sawmill.
(b) In a band.
(c) The apple orchard.
(d) Greenwood cemetery.

10. When is the first time that Ursa feels a man and is frightened by it?
(a) With Mutt.
(b) At a school dance.
(c) At Happy's.
(d) In middle school.

11. When May Alice finds out she is pregnant, where do she and Ursa go?
(a) To the doctor.
(b) To sit in the wheat field.
(c) To tell her mother right away.
(d) To another town.

12. Where was the first place Ursa sang in public?
(a) The Spider.
(b) Happy's.
(c) Preston's.
(d) Johnny's.

13. How does Ursa find out about her period when she is young?
(a) She gets her period at an early age.
(b) She sees May Alice bleeding.
(c) Her mother warns her about it.
(d) She sees bloody sheets and her mother tells her about it.

14. In whose place does Ursa always imagine May Alice?
(a) Cat's place.
(b) Vivian's place.
(c) The Melrose woman.
(d) Sal Cooper's place.

15. What is Ursa's mother doing when Ursa comes to see her?
(a) Working in the garden.
(b) Washing laundry.
(c) Canning.
(d) Sweeping.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Ursa is young, who taunts her from outside her house when Ursa will not let them in?

2. How does May Alice behave while the doctor examines her?

3. Where did May Alice say her father lived?

4. What does Ursa's father do when he finds out Ursa's mother is pregnant?

5. How does Ursa's mother react to May Alice's pregnancy?

(see the answer keys)

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