Collected Fictions Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Collected Fictions Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. "The Approach to Al-Mu'tasim," can best be described as which of the following?
(a) An adventure story.
(b) An satire of the Biblical story of Noah's Ark.
(c) A review of a novel that does not exist.
(d) A comedy.

2. In "The Disinterested Killer Bill Harrigan," where does Bill commit most of his outlaw acts?
(a) The Wild West.
(b) New York City.
(c) Australia.
(d) Europe.

3. In "Monk Eastman, Purveyor of Iniquities," Eastman does what after serving ten years in prison?
(a) He quickly gets arrested again and serves ten more years.
(b) He runs a casino.
(c) He leaves his life of crime to become a street preacher.
(d) Joins the army and fights in France against Germany.

4. In "The Widow Ching--Pirate," what occupation does Ching decide on, after she gives up pirating?
(a) Becoming the Emperor's advisor.
(b) Becoming the admiral of the Imperial fleet.
(c) Giving sailing lessons to the Emperor's children.
(d) Smuggling opium.

5. In "Man on the Pink Corner," what does the Yardmaster challenge Rosendo to?
(a) A wrestling match.
(b) A knife fight.
(c) A foot race.
(d) A duel with pistols.

6. In "A Survey of the Works of Herbert Quain," Quain writes one of his books based on which of the following?
(a) Geology.
(b) More adventures for Sherlock Holmes.
(c) The migration of snowy egrets.
(d) Mathematical construction.

7. In "Emma Zunz," why did Emma's father commit suicide?
(a) General despair.
(b) Bankruptcy.
(c) The crimes of Aaron Lowenthal.
(d) He had an incurable disease.

8. In "Pierre Menard, Author of Quixote," which author is Menard most obsessed with?
(a) Shakespeare.
(b) Cervantes.
(c) Milton.
(d) William Blake.

9. In "Three Versions of Judas," who is Nils Runeberg?
(a) A rabbi.
(b) A detective, hired by the Vatican, who tracks heretics.
(c) A theologian.
(d) An amateur Bible enthusiast.

10. In "The Dead Man," which of the following best characterizes the gang leader's attitude toward Otalora?
(a) He absolutely despises Otalora, and tolerates him only because of his abilities.
(b) He wants to groom Otalora to be the next leader.
(c) He enjoys his presence, for he knows Otalora will be killed, and hence enjoys toying with him.
(d) He is terrified of Otalora, and allows him to do what he wants because of fear.

11. In "The Cult of the Phoenix," what objects are involved in their rituals?
(a) Bones.
(b) Bibles.
(c) Cork, wax, and slime.
(d) Knives.

12. In "The Disinterested Killer Bill Harrigan," who shoots Bill?
(a) Another outlaw.
(b) The Sheriff.
(c) The Deputy.
(d) An Apache warrior.

13. In "The Secret Miracle," what happens to extend Hladik's life for a time?
(a) The Nazi's decide to postpone the execution.
(b) Due to a paperwork mistake, another man is killed instead of Hladik, and the mistake is not uncovered for some time.
(c) Hladik is able to escape for a while.
(d) God freezes time for a year.

14. In "Ibn-Hakam-Al Bokhari, Murdered in his Labyrinth," after killing his cousin, where does the protagonist sail?
(a) To Antarctica.
(b) To Australia.
(c) To England.
(d) He does not sail.

15. In "A Biography of Tadeo Isidoro Cruz (1829-1874)," what is Tadeo's punishment for killing a man?
(a) He is sent to the army.
(b) He goes to jail.
(c) He is whipped.
(d) He is put into slavery.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "The Aleph," where is the Aleph located?

2. In "Hakim, the Masked Dyer of Merv," Hakim's religious sect hates what things?

3. In "A Biography of Tadeo Isidoro Cruz (1829-1874)," what is the name of the fugitive Tadeo pursues?

4. In "The Immortal," what is Marcus's profession?

5. In "Funes, His Memory," the powers of Funes can best be described as which of the following?

(see the answer keys)

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