Cold Sassy Tree Test | Final Test - Easy

Olive Ann Burns
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cold Sassy Tree Test | Final Test - Easy

Olive Ann Burns
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Will feel when Love touches him while they go out to see her horse?
(a) He remembers his grandmother.
(b) He blushes.
(c) He feels his head go light.
(d) He gets butterflies in his stomach.

2. What has Grandpa told Will to do when he doesn't know what to do?
(a) Take time off.
(b) Get some sleep.
(c) Try something.
(d) Go fishing.

3. Why did Grandpa stop sleeping with Mattie Lou?
(a) She got too old.
(b) She fell out of love with him.
(c) She did not want to anymore.
(d) She could not have children any more.

4. Who does Grandpa call when he hears he will have to wait for a mechanic?
(a) Loomis.
(b) Loma.
(c) Mary.
(d) Hoyt.

5. What does Love hint to Grandpa that she wants in the house?
(a) A bathroom.
(b) A cook stove.
(c) A new piano.
(d) An extended bedroom.

6. Who demands that Camp be given proper respects?
(a) Love.
(b) Hoyt.
(c) Grandpa.
(d) Loma.

7. What does Grandpa win in a contest?
(a) Free dinner for a month.
(b) The chance to name a hotel.
(c) Two new horses.
(d) A weekend getaway.

8. What is Love's new horse named?
(a) Dr. Speed.
(b) Master Wind.
(c) Mr. Pitiful.
(d) Mr. Beautiful.

9. What was Will's grandma never able to do that Love has done very quickly?
(a) Make Grandpa laugh.
(b) Fix the house up nice.
(c) Stop heeding gossip.
(d) Paint the shutters.

10. Where does Grandpa keep his coins in the store?
(a) A safe.
(b) A register.
(c) A nail barrel.
(d) A rifle box.

11. What does Will see in the middle of the road while they are on their motoring trip?
(a) A broken down wagon.
(b) An overturned car.
(c) A sign of protest.
(d) A wounded horse.

12. Why does one couple come to the first church services held at Grandpa and Love's house?
(a) They are curious.
(b) They support Love.
(c) They like to sing.
(d) They have been offended by the Methodists.

13. How does Love want to be referred to after her marriage?
(a) Mrs. Blakeslee.
(b) Love Simpson.
(c) Miss Blakeslee.
(d) Mrs. Simpson.

14. Why does Loma think Love wants to take a trip alone with Grandpa?
(a) She wants to get pregnant.
(b) She wants to meet with her lover.
(c) She wants to stock the store.
(d) She wants to steal his money.

15. What color is the dress Love buys for Loma?
(a) White.
(b) Black.
(c) Red.
(d) Blue.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Will think Loma is jealous of when she tours Love's house?

2. What does Mary do when she hears that Will was seen kissing a Mill Girl?

3. What is Will grounded from doing after he is caught kissing a Mill Girl?

4. What kind of car does Hoyt buy?

5. What does Hoyt retrieve from the store before allowing anyone to move Grandpa's body?

(see the answer keys)

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