Cleanness Test | Final Test - Easy

Garth Greenwell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cleanness Test | Final Test - Easy

Garth Greenwell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the pet name used by both R. and the unnamed narrator to refer to one another?
(a) Flupi.
(b) Morpi.
(c) Skupi.
(d) Corpi.

2. The section entitled "Cleanness" takes place in the middle of which month?
(a) October.
(b) January.
(c) June.
(d) April.

3. The unnamed narrator describes R's beauty as being "stripped of" (89) what?
(a) Self-confidence.
(b) Guile.
(c) Self-regard.
(d) Self-pity.

4. About how many feet tall is the Christmas tree R. and the unnamed narrator bring home on the train in "The Frog King"?
(a) 6.
(b) 2.
(c) 3.
(d) 5.

5. What sort of weather element does the unnamed narrator paint as an adversary of security?
(a) Rain.
(b) Hail.
(c) Wind.
(d) Snow.

6. The youngest cast member in the opera entitled Lakme that is attended by the unnamed narrator and R. in "A Valediction" is of what age?
(a) Teens.
(b) 30s.
(c) 40s.
(d) 20s.

7. What adjective does the unnamed narrator use to describe R.'s reaction to the opera performance?
(a) Disgusted.
(b) Bemused.
(c) Awed.
(d) Bored.

8. What sort of abuse did R. suffer at the hands of one of his father's friends?
(a) Sexual.
(b) Emotional.
(c) Physical.
(d) Neglect.

9. During the break-up conversation between R. and the unnamed narrator, which adjective did R. use to describe their relationship?
(a) Numbing.
(b) Impossible.
(c) Crazy.
(d) Unfulfilling.

10. How old was R. when he and the unnamed narrator met one another?
(a) 19.
(b) 27.
(c) 21.
(d) 25.

11. What type of transportation are the unnamed narrator and R. using when "A Valediction" opens?
(a) Tandem bicycle.
(b) Train.
(c) Plane.
(d) Car.

12. How does R. feel about the country where he was born and raised?
(a) He hates it.
(b) He prizes it only during holidays.
(c) He loves it.
(d) He is ambivalent about it.

13. Which character runs the website for the festival featured in "Harbor"?
(a) N.
(b) R.
(c) M.
(d) Z.

14. When R. arrives to meet up with the unnamed narrator in the section entitled "Cleanness," what article of clothing is he NOT wearing?
(a) Winter coat.
(b) Windbreaker.
(c) Hat.
(d) Scarf.

15. Which feature of R.'s appearance is said to pour a particular feeling "over everything" (97) he and the unnamed narrator do together?
(a) His dimples.
(b) His smile.
(c) His eyebrows.
(d) His button nose.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many minutes after the end of the opera is the light show scheduled to begin?

2. How many days together do R. and the unnamed narrator have in front of them when "The Frog King" begins?

3. The unnamed narrator tells the reader that he would like to take what action in relation to R. in "Cleanness"?

4. The unnamed narrator depicts his break-up with R. as having taken place through which communication method?

5. Which body part is NOT used by R. or the unnamed narrator as they show one another covert demonstrations of affection at the opera?

(see the answer keys)

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