Claudius the God and His Wife Messalina Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Claudius the God and His Wife Messalina Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Clotho kill Augurinus and Baba?
(a) For their murderous sins.
(b) Claudius asks him to.
(c) To accompany Claudius on his journey.
(d) Because of incest.

2. What do Cleopatra and Calpurnia see in Rome that causes them alarm for Claudius?
(a) Silius speaking suspiciously to the commander of the palace guards.
(b) The Senate convening to speak of restoring the republic.
(c) Vitellius and Messalina committing adultery.
(d) Messalina and Silius getting married.

3. How does Vitellius die?
(a) Execution.
(b) From a paralytic stroke.
(c) Murdered in a fire.
(d) Poison by a fellow consul.

4. What causes Justus to be executed?
(a) Accusations of planning a revolt.
(b) For insulting Claudius' role in the British campaign.
(c) Adultery with Messalina.
(d) Insulting words toward Messalina.

5. How does Claudius determine how the public truly feels about him?
(a) He has Brittanicus spy for him.
(b) He sends a message faking his death.
(c) Vitellius purposely says ill words about Claudius to see who will agree.
(d) He dresses in plain white robes in the streets.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Claudius start rumors that Britannicus is epileptic?

2. What causes a disagreement between Claudius and the generals?

3. What is the only thing Umbonius sells at his public auction?

4. Of the following, which is NOT a reform that Claudius plans for the government?

5. What does the triumph symbolize to Claudius?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Herod symbolize his manifestation as the Messiah?

2. Why does Claudius seem to favor Nero above Britannicus? What is his true plan?

3. How do rumors that Lucius is protected by double cobras come about?

4. How might reinstating Mithridater to the Armenian throne help quell the alliance forming in the Near East?

5. What is the invisible barrier between Claudius and the Senate, and how does it come about?

6. How does Claudius use his power as an emperor for personal use, and how does he justify his action?

7. What are the usual feelings about a solar eclipse by the public? How does Claudius get the populace to feel differently about it?

8. What deceit does Messalina play on Claudius and his army commander while Claudius is in Britain?

9. What is the reaction of those in Hell when Claudius arrives? Why do they react this way?

10. What punishments does the court in Hell consider for Claudius?

(see the answer keys)

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