The Clan of the Cave Bear Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Clan of the Cave Bear Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ayla do first when she sees Brun?
(a) She asks to be cursed as well if he curses the baby.
(b) She tells him where the small cave is.
(c) She begs him to let her child live.
(d) She asks forgiveness for defying him.

2. Who does Ayla ask to protect Durc before she goes?
(a) Oga
(b) Ebra
(c) Uba
(d) Brun

3. As the men question Ayla, what does Broud realize with angry embarrassment?
(a) That she is a better hunter than him
(b) That if she had not watched Zoug that day, Brac would be dead
(c) That she will be dead soon and he will miss her
(d) That she witnessed him pushing Zoug and his punishment

4. What does Creb tell Ayla she can do for his sadness about her witnessing the ceremony?
(a) She should never mention it again.
(b) She must leave the clan and find her own people.
(c) She can prepare him some of Iza's secret remedies.
(d) She must die for it.

5. What does Ayla do that Creb finds unforgivable?
(a) She touches a weapon at the Clan Gathering.
(b) She pours out the extra liquid from the ceremonial drink.
(c) She witnesses the sacred ceremony of the mog-urs.
(d) She has sex with a man from another clan.

6. Why does Creb want Brun to reconsider his decision?
(a) Creb argues that Ayla will take pieces of Brac's and Ona's spirit with her if she dies.
(b) Creb is deformed and Ayla's role model.
(c) Creb worries that they will be without a medicine woman soon if Ayla dies.
(d) Creb worries that cursing Ayla will anger the spirits.

7. How does Broud accept the baby?
(a) Brun has to order Broud to accept the baby.
(b) Broud is happy to accept the baby, realizing it is his child.
(c) Broud is spiteful, thinking of a way to hurt the baby.
(d) Broud is resigned to whatever the clan decides.

8. What does Broud do to hurt Ayla?
(a) He announces she cannot hunt any longer.
(b) He beats her for resisting his leadership.
(c) He announces her future children will not be allowed to live.
(d) He announces he will take Ayla to his hearth, but not Durc.

9. What happens to help reconcile Ayla and Creb?
(a) Durc uses his word for Mama in front of Creb.
(b) Ayla has her nightmare about the earthquake.
(c) Ayla has her nightmare about the cave lion attack.
(d) Durc gets hurt.

10. What does Broud refuse?
(a) To let Oga leave his hearth
(b) To let Oga nurse Durc
(c) To let Ayla touch his sons
(d) To have Durc move to his hearth

11. Why does Ayla thank Brun?
(a) For treating her like an equal
(b) For giving her a chance by making the death curse temporary
(c) For breaking the death curse
(d) For allowing her to hunt

12. What is one of Broud's talents?
(a) Calling the spirits
(b) Making tools
(c) Using the bola
(d) Leading the hunt dances

13. Who is the only other mother with plenty of milk for more than one baby?
(a) Oga
(b) Aga
(c) Ika
(d) Ebra

14. Who from Brun's clan is chosen for the Cave Bear Ceremony?
(a) Droog
(b) Goov
(c) Broud
(d) Vorn

15. What does Ayla become obsessed with while playing the bowl drum rhythms?
(a) She worries that Iza has died.
(b) She worries that Iza's ancient bowl is lost.
(c) She worries what has become of Durc.
(d) She worries that she is too tall and ugly.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first kill Ayla brings back to the cave?

2. What fear encourages Ayla to keep going during her difficult delivery?

3. What does Ayla do to prepare the ceremonial drink?

4. Who dies while the clan is gone?

5. What game do Ayla and Durc play together?

(see the answer keys)

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