City Test | Final Test - Easy

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City Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Tale 6", what desire is said to be strong in Dogs?
(a) The desire to eat.
(b) The desire to learn.
(c) The desire to sleep.
(d) The desire for fun.

2. In "Tale 5", why does Ken want to return to the dome?
(a) To go back to work.
(b) To avoid being a Loper for life.
(c) To explain life as a Loper to humans.
(d) To help other people.

3. Why does Jenkins believe Dogs should form a relationship with wolves?
(a) To team up against humans.
(b) For help hunting.
(c) To show how peaceful Dogs are.
(d) For help with protection.

4. What makes Jon reluctant to visit North America?
(a) Not knowing anyone.
(b) The distance.
(c) The rumors of violence.
(d) The amount of Dogs there.

5. Who does Tigre believe may have written "Tale 7"?
(a) Robots.
(b) Dogs.
(c) Humans.
(d) Mutants.

6. Why does Jon decide to visit North America?
(a) He is doing research.
(b) He is afraid.
(c) Jenkins invites him.
(d) He is lonely.

7. What makes living on Jupiter difficult?
(a) The lack of technology.
(b) The size of the planet.
(c) The amount of water.
(d) The climate.

8. Why does Jenkins believe that the animal population will overwhelm the Earth's resources?
(a) Because of the rise of the Dogs.
(b) Because of all the new species.
(c) Because the climate of Earth is changing.
(d) Because there is no hunting.

9. How does the creature in "Tale 7" come to Earth?
(a) A Dog brings it to Earth.
(b) By using mind power.
(c) A spacecraft.
(d) Teleportation.

10. In "Tale 4", how does Ken Fowler feel about not returning to the dome?
(a) Guilty.
(b) Worried.
(c) He doesn't care.
(d) Positive.

11. How does Jenkins call Tyler to let him know Joe is on the phone in "Tale 5"?
(a) He uses mind-to-mind communication.
(b) He uses a cell phone.
(c) He uses Tyler's visor.
(d) He yells.

12. What does Ebenezer think about the development of Dog society?
(a) It confuses him.
(b) It is mirroring the development of human society.
(c) It is developing too slowly.
(d) It developed too quickly.

13. Why does Jon worry about documenting current events?
(a) Because things change too quickly.
(b) Because no one is interested in them.
(c) Because the Dogs fact check his writing.
(d) Because he may get the information wrong.

14. In "Tale 7", how does Peter fight off the cobbly?
(a) With his emotions.
(b) With his bow and arrow.
(c) With the help of the mutants.
(d) With rocks.

15. As a Loper, what happens to Ken Fowler's mental abilities?
(a) They are simplified.
(b) They shrink.
(c) They become psychic.
(d) They are expanded.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why doesn't the World Committee stop Ken from telling people about a Loper's life?

2. In "Tale 4", what happens to Ken Fowler's communication abilities as a Loper?

3. What worries Ken Fowler about people living on Jupiter?

4. In "Tale 5", what worries Ken about telling the human race what it is like to be a Loper?

5. When Joe tells Tyler he knows Juwain's philosophy, what is Tyler's first question?

(see the answer keys)

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