Circle of Friends Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Circle of Friends Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who asks Mrs. Healy to marry him and she accepts?
(a) Paddy
(b) Sean
(c) John
(d) Simon

2. Why is Jack upset when he talks to Benny?
(a) because she won't hold his hand
(b) because she still has to go home nights
(c) because he is going away
(d) because he saw her with Aidan

3. What do Jack and Nan do in front of her house after the rugby club dance?
(a) they talk about her preganacy
(b) they argue
(c) they kiss
(d) they make love

4. What does Clodagh suspect about Jack?
(a) that he used Benny to get to Nan
(b) that he loves Benny
(c) that he will run away to Wales
(d) that he will not marry Nan

5. What is the close call Jack and Nan have in Knockglen?
(a) Eve arrives only moments after they leave
(b) Mother Francis knocks on the door, but leaves
(c) Jack is seen getting gas for the car
(d) Heather comes to the cottage but doesn't go in

Short Answer Questions

1. What is ironic about Nan and Simon getting together?

2. Who prevents Kit from coming to Knockglen for Christmas?

3. How has working in the shop changed Annabel?

4. Who does Lilly think her son Jack is inviting to lunch?

5. What does Kit learn about her late husband and son?

Short Essay Questions

1. What advice does Dr. Johnson give Annabel when Eddie dies and why does he give it?

2. What advice of Nan's does Benny use to dissuade her father from walking her to Eve's party and coming to collect her later?

3. What do Benny and Annabel learn about the lawyer?

4. What foils Nan's plans to tell Jack she is pregnant at Eve's cottage?

5. What do Heather and Benny do when Benny finds her at the cottage?

6. How does Jack show his naivety after being at the cottage three times with Nan?

7. How does Sean manipulate an invitation to the Hogan's house for Christmas?

8. On their date at the restaurant, what romantic thing takes place?

9. Why are Eve and Benny not happy with Nan's seeing Simon?

10. How does Benny get home to Knockglen after the news arrives that her father has died?

(see the answer keys)

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