China Rich Girlfriend Test | Final Test - Easy

Kevin Kwan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

China Rich Girlfriend Test | Final Test - Easy

Kevin Kwan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Part 3: Chapter 8, how does Nick get to Hong Kong?
(a) Falcon 2000.
(b) Gulfstream V.
(c) Military transport jet.
(d) Gulfstream VI.

2. In Part 2: Chapter 15, when was the house built that Carmen shows Astrid and Michael?
(a) 1948.
(b) 1922.
(c) 1917.
(d) 1931.

3. In Part 3, Chapter 2, how much money does Carlton's family have?
(a) $10.9 billion.
(b) Around $3 billion.
(c) $4.5 billion.
(d) $2 billion at most.

4. In Part 3: Chapter 7, how much does Peik Lin say that it cost her mother to have a recreation of a Baroque fresco on her bedroom ceiling?
(a) $750,000.
(b) $1.5 million dollars.
(c) $500,000.
(d) $250,000.

5. In Part 2: Chapter 8, what type of vehicles are in a convoy that drive up to Colette's home?
(a) Rolls Royces.
(b) Audi SUVs.
(c) Volvo SUVs.
(d) Mercedes SUVs.

6. In Part 2: Chapter 17, how far is it from Paris to Istanbul in Mehmet's plane?
(a) 5 hours.
(b) 4 hours.
(c) 2 hours.
(d) 3 hours.

7. In Part 3: Chapter 4, what does Gaoliang say that Carlton bet Richie?
(a) $5 million.
(b) $10 million.
(c) $7 million.
(d) $2 million.

8. In Part 2: Chapter 12, who is Astrid's realtor?
(a) Miranda.
(b) Dorinda.
(c) Carmen.
(d) Sarah.

9. In Part 2: Chapter 10, why does Colette take her father aside to yell at him?
(a) To ask him to stop interrogating Rachel.
(b) To complain about his table manners.
(c) To ask him to stop interrogating Nick.
(d) To berate him for bringing Richie Yang.

10. In Part 2: Chapter 6, where does Shaoyan say that Fang Ai Lan's son saw Carlton?
(a) M1NT.
(b) Bar Rouge.
(c) Kung Fue Comedy Club.
(d) Kee Club.

11. In Part 2: Chapter 12, where is Michael going before dinner?
(a) Golfing.
(b) Running.
(c) Swimming.
(d) Walking.

12. In Part 3: Chapter 1, what does Kitty wear for lunch with Fiona and Ada?
(a) Striped dress and green cardigan.
(b) Floral dress and peach cardigan.
(c) Plaid dress and red cardigan.
(d) Yellow dress and navy cardigan.

13. In Part 2: Chapter 13, where are Colette and her friends going?
(a) Hong Kong.
(b) Madrid.
(c) Paris.
(d) London.

14. In Part 2: Chapter 14, where did Jack Bing just return from?
(a) Los Angeles.
(b) Denver.
(c) New York.
(d) Chicago.

15. In Part 2: Chapter 12, where are Astrid's cousins from who are coming for dinner?
(a) Shanghai.
(b) Beijing.
(c) Hong Kong.
(d) Thailand.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Part 3: Chapter 3, when did Michael sell his first company, Cloud Nine Solutions?

2. In Part 2: Chapter 12, where does Astrid say a couple is from that she and Michael had a business dinner with?

3. In Part 3: Chapter 7, how long was Hangzhou the retreat of emperors?

4. In Part 3: Chapter 2, what magazine features Michael as father of the year?

5. In Part 3: Chapter 4, how long has Shaoyen worked for Gaoliang's medical supply company?

(see the answer keys)

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