Chasing the Dime: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chasing the Dime: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much of a percentage in Amedeo does Goddard want in exchange for his investment?
(a) Fifty percent.
(b) Twelve percent.
(c) Fifteen percent.
(d) Ten percent.

2. What excuse does Pierce give for calling Zeller to his lab in Chapter 37?
(a) Someone has been hijacking information from the computer system.
(b) He wants to show Proteus to Zeller.
(c) He needs help finding a missing person.
(d) He wants to talk about the Doomsters.

3. What does Pierce realize when he begins analyzing the search of his car in Chapter 31?
(a) That whoever was in his car at Lilly's apartment complex was not searching.
(b) That Renner planted something in his car.
(c) That Renner thinks he found something in his car but cannot use it because of a lack of a warrant.
(d) That someone was simply trying to rob him that night at Lilly's apartment complex.

4. What is a scramble card?
(a) A key to unlock doors, such as is used in hotels.
(b) A bank card with no set account.
(c) A credit card that constantly scrambles its numbers.
(d) A prepaid bank card.

5. What is meant in Chapter 21 when someone says they need extra straps to go vertical?
(a) They are ready to carry Pierce out of the apartment.
(b) They need to send Pierce vertically down the side of the building.
(c) They want Pierce to walk down the stairs.
(d) They have to stand Pierce up on end to get him down in the elevator.

Short Answer Questions

1. With whom does Cody Zeller warn Pierce that Wentz and Allison are connected to in his report as Pierce reads it in Chapter 26?

2. Where does Pierce spend the night in Chapter 27?

3. What does Pierce think his stepfather did to his sister that forced her out on the streets and left her preferring the streets to home?

4. Who does Pierce call in Chapter 23 to help him find a criminal attorney?

5. What reason does Pierce give Condon for wanting to delay the meeting with Goddard in Chapter 26?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is a sniffer? Where did Pierce find one of these devices?

2. Who is hiding in the wire room in Chapter 38? Why?

3. What book of symbols does Pierce leave open on Nicole's coffee table in Chapter 35? Why?

4. Why does Pierce decide he will have to move again in Chapter 25? How does Pierce respond to questions about his face from his neighbors?

5. What is Proteus? What are some of its potential uses?

6. What does Langwiser tell Pierce over the phone in Chapter 30? What does this lead Pierce to do?

7. Why does Pierce ask Renner to turn off his tape recorder in Chapter 22? What does Pierce tell him when he does as asked?

8. What does Goddard and the others see on the scanning electron microscope that proves Proteus is creating energy?

9. What disorder does Goddard's daughter suffer? How does this relate to his investments?

10. In Chapter 33 Pierce analyzes his situation and comes to a conclusion as to who and why he has been set up. What is Pierce's conclusion?

(see the answer keys)

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