The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Charlotte do to protect Zachariah after her illness?
(a) Does not talk about the extra food he got for her.
(b) Denies talking in depth with him.
(c) Lies about where she got the knife.
(d) Withholds all the information he gave her.

2. Who checks on Charlotte while she is sick on the ship?
(a) Hollister.
(b) Mr. Barlow.
(c) Zachariah.
(d) Mr. Farlow.

3. How long is Charlotte sick?
(a) 5 days.
(b) 4 days.
(c) 7 days.
(d) 6 days.

4. Why is Charlotte unable to do what she wants to do when she wakes up after her first night on the ship?
(a) There is no post on the ocean.
(b) The next port of call is two weeks out.
(c) They have already set sail.
(d) The captain is busy.

5. How many children does Captain Jaggery tell Charlotte he has?
(a) 4.
(b) 3.
(c) 2.
(d) 1.

6. Who does Charlotte want to tell about her experience in the cargo hold?
(a) Captain Jaggery.
(b) Mr. Barlow.
(c) Mr. Hollander.
(d) Zachariah.

7. What does Zachariah forgive the crew for?
(a) Starting the mutiny.
(b) Being cowards.
(c) Dragging him on deck.
(d) Not standing up for him.

8. What is the weather like when Charlotte wakes up after being sick?
(a) Gray and overcast.
(b) Rainy and humid.
(c) Windy and cold.
(d) Sunny and warm.

9. What does Charlotte show Captain Jaggery after her illness?
(a) Her knife.
(b) Her strong arms.
(c) Her ruined dress.
(d) Her journal.

10. What does Captain Jaggery force Charlotte to do while Zachariah is being whipped?
(a) Count the blows.
(b) Pour salt on the wounds.
(c) Whip him twice herself.
(d) Watch it happen.

11. Where does Charlotte go after getting out of the dark cargo hold?
(a) The galley.
(b) Her room.
(c) The upper deck.
(d) The captain's cabin.

12. How does Captain Jaggery propel the ship with no wind?
(a) Rowers.
(b) Changing course.
(c) Shifting the rudder.
(d) A man-powered propeller.

13. What does Captain Jaggery read when Charlotte comes to his cabin after her illness?
(a) A Shakespeare play.
(b) Some of his own poetry.
(c) His past travel logs.
(d) The Bible.

14. What does Charlotte use to try and defend herself in the dark cargo hold?
(a) A gun.
(b) The knife.
(c) Her parasol.
(d) A hammer.

15. What time does Charlotte wake up when she becomes more comfortable on the ship?
(a) Noon.
(b) Mid-morning.
(c) Many times during the night.
(d) Dawn.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is used to release water that leaks into the ship?

2. What is the name of the captain of the ship Charlotte will be taking?

3. What does Charlotte sense when she is looking through her chest?

4. What does Zachariah offer Charlotte when he first meets her?

5. Who does Charlotte trust most on the ship after her illness?

(see the answer keys)

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