Chains Test | Final Test - Medium

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Chains Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Isabel's state of mind after returning to the house with Mr. Lockton?
(a) Anger.
(b) Constant depression.
(c) Anticipation.
(d) Excitement.

2. How does Isabel hear about the conditions in the British prison?
(a) From the Lockton's laughing about it.
(b) From Colonel Regen.
(c) From some others at the water hole.
(d) From another slave.

3. What does Isabel do once she is outside the house?
(a) Rushes back inside to bring more of Lady Seymour's possessions out.
(b) Runs over to the Locktons.
(c) Runs away.
(d) Rushes back in to pull Lady Seymour to safety.

4. With what does Curzon help Isabel?
(a) Plotting revenge against Madam Lockton.
(b) Carrying water buckets.
(c) Planning her escape.
(d) Saving supplies for her escape.

5. What does Lady Seymour say many people believe is the Christian thing to do?
(a) Retain their loyalty to the Mother country.
(b) Offer succor to prisoners.
(c) Stay neutral in the war.
(d) Free slaves.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Isabel feel about Colonel Regen?

2. What happens one morning when Isabel arrives at the prison?

3. Why does Isabel relish the physical pain of her brand?

4. How has Isabel's situation improved?

5. What does Lady Seymour's letter request?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens at Isabel's trial, and what is the outcome of the trial?

2. What happens after Isabel returns with Mr. Lockton from the docks?

3. How does Isabel save Lady Seymour's life?

4. How does Isabel feel towards and treat Curzon?

5. Who comes to the window of the prison when Isabel calls for Curzon?

6. What happens when Madam Lockton arrives at Colonel Regen's camp?

7. What is Isabel startled to hear about Curzon?

8. What does Becky tell Isabel about Ruth?

9. Describe Isabel's experience at the book store.

10. What does Lady Semour request that infuriates Madam Lockton?

(see the answer keys)

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