Butcher's Crossing Test | Final Test - Medium

John Williams
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Butcher's Crossing Test | Final Test - Medium

John Williams
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Charley sits down at the end of his reaction to the news that the party might be snowed in for the winter, who does he name as the person who will fix their problem?
(a) Schneider.
(b) Miller.
(c) Marshall Cogburn.
(d) Andrews.

2. How does Charley react to the news that the hunting party is likely snowed in for the winter?
(a) He is happy.
(b) He panics.
(c) He goes to look for more firewood.
(d) He runs away.

3. Schneider is drawing how many dollars per month during the buffalo expedition?
(a) 60.
(b) 30.
(c) 40.
(d) 15.

4. What objects do the members of the hunting party use to create comfortable beds once they set up camp in the valley?
(a) Pine needles.
(b) Pussy willows.
(c) Grasses.
(d) Sponges.

5. Who constructs a tent out of canvas and wood once the hunting party sets up camp in the valley?
(a) Miller and Schneider.
(b) Charley and Andrews.
(c) Andrews and Miller.
(d) Schneider and Charley.

Short Answer Questions

1. Once the men get a fire started, who thrusts "his boots close to the fire, and almost into it" (186)?

2. What new habit of Schneider's alarms Andrews?

3. In what material had Schneider wrapped himself before going to sleep?

4. Who is sleeping in the snow mound directly adjacent to Andrews's mound?

5. What adjective does Andrews use to describe the land around him, now that it is covered with snow?

Short Essay Questions

1. Discuss the irony present in the depiction of Schneider's death.

2. How does Schneider feel about the coming of winter and why?

3. How does Andrews's view of Miller change during the last hour of the buffalo hunt?

4. What is the significance of Andrews's growing comfort with the grisly nature of the buffalo skinning process?

5. How does Andrews view Miller's actions as he takes the steps necessary to turn gunpowder into bullets?

6. What are Miller's first words after the accident with the wagon in the river and what do they indicate about his character?

7. What event forces Miller to stop killing buffalo once he has reduced the herd by at least two-thirds?

8. What is demonstrated about Miller's character when he voices the desire to bring back a huge load of hides to show the hunters in Butcher's Crossing?

9. What is the irony inherent in Miller's response to Schneider's request that Miller begin the hunt slowly?

10. What is the result of Miller's decision to keep hunting after Schneider protests the extension of the hunt?

(see the answer keys)

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