Burger's Daughter Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burger's Daughter Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of lessons does Conrad take in the evenings?
(a) Spanish.
(b) Karate.
(c) Cooking.
(d) Poetry.

2. How does Rosa feel about Clare in general?
(a) She pities her.
(b) She loathes her.
(c) She is sickened by her.
(d) She is indifferent to her.

3. How does Rosa respond to Clare's request when Clare visits her at her apartment?
(a) Rosa changes the subject and does not answer.
(b) Rosa accepts Clare's request without doubt.
(c) Rosa unhappily accepts Clare's request.
(d) Rosa denies Clare's request.

4. What happens to the cottage that Rosa once lived in with Conrad?
(a) It is reconstructed.
(b) It is burned down.
(c) It is destroyed by a gang.
(d) It is bulldozed.

5. What does Daniel tell Rosa about one of his boys?
(a) He will come to work at the hotel.
(b) He will come to marry Rosa.
(c) He will go work in her garden at home.
(d) He is smart and will go to school to be a doctor.

6. What question does Rosa ask of Clare when they are looking at the empty apartment?
(a) "Why do you want to keep me involved?"
(b) "Won't giving this apartment to a this girl cause you trouble?"
(c) "Why do you want to live here?"
(d) "Why do you go on with it."

7. What do the Nel relatives own, besides the hotel?
(a) A ranch.
(b) A cafe.
(c) A restaurant.
(d) A farm.

8. What does Greer do with the dinner he is given at Fats'?
(a) He eats it voraciously.
(b) He shares it with the little ones.
(c) He ignores it completely.
(d) He pushes the food around his plate.

9. What does the old-maid school teacher do to the Burger family?
(a) She takes possessions from their home.
(b) She betrays Cathy by sleeping with Lionel.
(c) She betrays Lionel at the trial.
(d) She sells their story to a journalist.

10. What is Greer's concern for Marisa after she arrives at Fats'?
(a) That she had not eaten.
(b) That she has been followed.
(c) That she was seen talking to Rosa in the shop.
(d) That she has been in the city too long.

11. What did the trial after the strike allow the government to do?
(a) Get Lionel Burger ousted from the Communist Party.
(b) Stop underground operations.
(c) Pass the Supression of Communism Act.
(d) Shut down the African Mineworkers Union.

12. In what year of his imprisonment does Lionel die?
(a) Twentieth.
(b) Third.
(c) Tenth.
(d) Fifth.

13. Where do the black men sit in the public square?
(a) On the grass.
(b) On the fountain.
(c) Anywhere.
(d) On benches marked for them.

14. What does Conrad say was celebrated in Rosa's home as she grew up?
(a) Birthdays.
(b) Elections.
(c) Misery.
(d) Political events.

15. What does Greer tell Rosa about the book that he has read from a former political prisoner now in exile?
(a) Flora had given it to him to give to Rosa.
(b) She should read it as she is "one of the cause".
(c) There is much in the book about Rosa and Lionel.
(d) He can smuggle in a copy for her.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Greer say "blackness" means?

2. How do the blacks treat Rosa when she goes to Fat's home?

3. What does Rosa understand about political change?

4. How does Rosa feel about Conrad when she moves from the cottage?

5. What intimate information does Clare share with Rosa at the empty apartment?

(see the answer keys)

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