Bud, Not Buddy Test | Final Test - Medium

Christopher Paul Curtis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bud, Not Buddy Test | Final Test - Medium

Christopher Paul Curtis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Bud decide is the best way to deal with the situation with the stranger he is riding with?
(a) Tell a lie to all of the questions.
(b) Ask as many questions as he can think of.
(c) Provide as little information as possible.
(d) Pretend he is sleeping.

2. How does the stranger react to the fact that Bud attempted to drive the car without him?
(a) Angered.
(b) Proud.
(c) Horrified.
(d) Surprised.

3. What does Bud fall asleep to the sound of in this chapter?
(a) Crying of someone in the other room.
(b) Sounds from the restaurant below.
(c) Arguing between Miss Thomas and Mr. Calloway.
(d) Music rehearsal from the band.

4. What does Lefty mock about Bud?
(a) His suitcase.
(b) His sleeping.
(c) His accent.
(d) His clothes.

5. What time of day is Bud out walking when the man stops and whistles for him?
(a) 8:00 A.M.
(b) 12:00 P.M.
(c) 2:30 A.M.
(d) 9:00 P.M.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Bud feel that he has to continue to work on in this chapter?

2. Why is Bud worried about riding back from the music gig?

3. Where is the stranger on his way to before he stopped to talk to Bud?

4. What do Kim and Scott do that makes Bud nervous?

5. Which of the following band members comforts Bud during the emotional event that happens to Bud during this chapter?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Bud explain to the stranger his being alone and traveling to Grand Rapids?

2. How does Bud feel when he finds out he will be staying with the band for more than one night and what does this cause him to wonder?

3. What do the band members explain to Bud about the racial make-up of the band?

4. How does Bud begin to feel about the group?

5. What does the stranger do to soften up Bud and make him realize he wants him to help him?

6. What does Bud realize when he wakes up the next morning?

7. Why does the band take Bud to the Sweet Pea Restaurant and what does he have to do in return?

8. When Bud goes out after waking up what happens and what does this make him sense?

9. What can the reader learn about Bud and his feelings about the band and how can the reader tell this information?

10. What does Lefty explain to Bud about the box that he has Bud hold while the policeman talks to Lefty?

(see the answer keys)

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