Booked Test | Final Test - Easy

Kwame Alexander
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Booked Test | Final Test - Easy

Kwame Alexander
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Nick say is his favorite rapper?
(a) Snoop Dogg.
(b) Dr. Dre.
(c) Fresh Prince.
(d) Eminem.

2. In the family court decision about whether Nick will go horseback riding with April, what does Nick’s father base his decision on?
(a) Nick wants to spend time with his mother.
(b) Nick feels well enough to go to school.
(c) Nick can use the date to pay off some of the other chores he has not done.
(d) Nick likes April a lot.

3. Who does Nick tell Coby to ask to the formal dance, so they can double date?
(a) Winifred.
(b) Kellie.
(c) Saida.
(d) Charlene.

4. How does Coby convince Nick to ask April out?
(a) He tells Charlene that Nick has something to ask April.
(b) He brings April over to talk to Nick.
(c) He makes chicken noises to shame him.
(d) He writes April a note in Nick’s name.

5. How does Nick characterize the relationship between his team and Coby’s?
(a) Supportive.
(b) Tolerant.
(c) Testy.
(d) Genial.

6. What is the bad news the nurse tells Nick?
(a) He has a tumor.
(b) He has kidney stones.
(c) His appendix is ruptured.
(d) His ankle is broken.

7. What does Nick get back at the pool party?
(a) His bus pass.
(b) His pride.
(c) His bike.
(d) His soccer cleats.

8. What does Nick tell Mr. MacDonald was wrong with his body?
(a) Intestinal blockage.
(b) Kidney stones.
(c) Abdominal adhesions.
(d) Diverticulitis.

9. How does Mr. MacDonald entertain Nick and the nurses on his floor?
(a) He reads from Nick’s book.
(b) He tells stories from his music days.
(c) He raps for them.
(d) He shows photos of his music friends.

10. What does Nick think he needs to do, to solve the problems that got him into therapy?
(a) Meditate.
(b) Learn to fight.
(c) Go to the teacher or principal.
(d) Move.

11. Where does Nick throw up?
(a) In his shoes.
(b) In Parnell’s gym bag.
(c) In his hands.
(d) In the water cooler.

12. What does Nick tell April he liked about the book he has been reading in the hospital?
(a) The poems.
(b) The characters.
(c) The imagery.
(d) The dramatic tension.

13. What is the good news the nurse tells Nick?
(a) His ankle is fine.
(b) His stomach is better.
(c) His knee is fine.
(d) His ankle is sprained.

14. What does the psychologist tell Nick to think about before he comes back next time?
(a) How he would like to live in Kentucky.
(b) How he might deal with bullies.
(c) What the Egglestons must be suffering.
(d) What he likes about his mother.

15. What does Mr. MacDonald tell Nick’s parents?
(a) To go easy on him.
(b) That Nick has special powers.
(c) To make Nick work harder.
(d) That Nick is his favorite student.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is in the dragonfly box?

2. What keeps Nick in the hospital longer than planned?

3. How long will Nick be out of school after surgery?

4. How many pages does Nick read in his book before he turns on the TV?

5. Nick’s father tells him that bullies do not want to fight; what does he tell Nick bullies do want?

(see the answer keys)

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