The Bonfire of the Vanities Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bonfire of the Vanities Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the mayor's public position on the McCoy case?
(a) He refuses to comment on an ongoing investigation
(b) He supports Annie Lamb and Reverend Bacon completely
(c) He doubts Roland Auburn's testimony
(d) He has not made a statement

2. What makes Sherman unhappy on the drive to the courthouse?
(a) He lost his favorite tie
(b) It is his birthday
(c) Maria's betrayal
(d) The beautiful day

3. Who calls Tommy Killian in Chapter 30 with news about the trial?
(a) Peter Fallow
(b) Layy Kramer
(c) Freddie Button
(d) Bernie Fitzgibbon

4. Which of these adjectives does Roland Auburn use to describe Maria in the City Light coverage in Chapter 23?
(a) Shrill
(b) Curvaceous
(c) Foxy
(d) Country

5. What prominent component of the McCoy case is Larry Kramer trying to purchase?
(a) Sherman's Mercedes
(b) The tire fromt he ramp
(c) Germain Boll's love nest
(d) The McCoy condo

6. Who is in front of Sherman in line for processing at the Criminal Court Building?
(a) Roland Auburn
(b) Several Dominican gang-bangers
(c) A group of prostitutes
(d) A heroin junky

7. Why does Judy insist that she and Sherman attend the di Duccis social event?
(a) Withdrawing from society implies guilt
(b) Remaining in the condo all day is driving them mad
(c) He has to get his side of the story out
(d) They never once missed it

8. In the courtroom, with whom is Kovitsky constantly warring during Chapter 31?
(a) Kramer
(b) The press
(c) The spectators
(d) Killian

9. How much money does Sherman withdraw from his account the day before his arrest?
(a) 1,000 dollars
(b) 20,000 dollars
(c) 10,000 dollars
(d) 5,000 dollars

10. Who else is at the Ruskin funeral besides Sherman and Maria?
(a) Reverend Bacon
(b) Larry Kramer
(c) Peter Fallow
(d) Abe Weiss

11. At the end of Chapter 23 who wants Sherman McCoy's home phone number?
(a) Reverend Bacon
(b) Abe Weiss
(c) Sir Gerald Steiner
(d) Al Vogel

12. What does Sherman McCoy do in the courtroom at the end of the Epilogue?
(a) Publicly apologizes to his wife
(b) Flips the defense attorneys table
(c) Laughs uncontrollably
(d) Throws up a Black Power fist

13. In what state does Sherman find himself at the di Duccis event?
(a) Exactly the same as before
(b) A complete pariah
(c) Much more popular
(d) A curiosity

14. What does Tommy Killian warn Sherman will likely happen in court the next day?
(a) The press will be let into the courtroom
(b) The jury will enter deliberations
(c) Maria will testify against him
(d) The DA will seek a bail increase

15. Who does Sherman McCoy throw out of his condo at the end of the chapter?
(a) Judy McCoy
(b) Sally Rawthrote
(c) Pollard Browning
(d) Tommy Killian

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Maria lash out at Sherman at the end of their meeting?

2. What culturally insensitive term does the mayor's assistant use to describe a common event on his calendar?

3. According to Roland, which part of his body does Henry think is broken?

4. What has Sherman McCoy resolved to do as he waits in Tommy Killian's waiting room?

5. What does Bernie think that Kramer is doing to Roland?

(see the answer keys)

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