Bloody Bones Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bloody Bones Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Anita say she plans on doing to Serephina in Chapter 31 when Larry asks?
(a) Kill her.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Let Jean-Claude deal with her.
(d) Turn her into the council.

2. What does Anita do when it becomes clean that Jean-Claude cannot defeat Janos?
(a) She sets the room on fire.
(b) She begins to shoot everyone.
(c) She walks over to grab Larry.
(d) She challenges Ivy.

3. What does Magnus say helps to drown Serephina out?
(a) Using glamor.
(b) A fey spell.
(c) Morphine.
(d) Getting drunk.

4. What does Dorcas say when Anita asks her why Magnus ran from the police?
(a) They didn't file taxes last year.
(b) They have had a few bad episodes with the police in the past.
(c) She doesn't know.
(d) He used to date Freemont.

5. What does Ivy tell Jean-Claude that vampires aren't supposed to be able to do?
(a) Capture another vampire with their gaze.
(b) Turn into bats.
(c) Fall in love.
(d) Walk around in the day light.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Anita see on Jean-Claude as he walks past her without his shirt on?

2. What happens when Jean-Claude asks for his coffin back?

3. What does Jean-Claude say may happen if Serephina drinks from Bloody Bones in Chapter 38?

4. What do Anita and Larry have in their shirt pockets in Chapter 32 that can help to disrupt fey magic?

5. What does Xavier say that he did when Anita asks him if he gave Bloody Bones the sword or actually helped him kill the teenagers?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens in Chapter 27 when Anita and the others walk outside to meet Serephina for the first time?

2. What does Jean-Claude tell Anita might happen when they go to see the Master Vampire as he describes it in the beginning of Chapter 22?

3. What happens when Bloody Bones appears in Chapter 38?

4. Describe what happens when Anita sees that Jean-Claude is not going to win the fight against Janos.

5. What happens when Ivy attacks Anita in Chapters 33 and 34.

6. Describe the basement in Chapter 24.

7. What does Magnus explain to Anita about the reason that Serephina wants him?

8. In Chapter 29 what does Jean-Claude tell Anita about his past and when he first became a vampire?

9. Describe Anita's dream in Chapter 31.

10. Describe the conversation that Dorcas and Anita have in Chapter 21.

(see the answer keys)

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