Blood Rites Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jim Butcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blood Rites Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jim Butcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lara say to Inari?
(a) She shot Thomas.
(b) Harry attacked Thomas.
(c) It is all Harry's fault.
(d) Thomas attacked her.

2. Why did the guard run away?
(a) He wants Harry to follow him.
(b) He is afraid of Harry.
(c) He went to check the back of the building.
(d) He does not want to be arrested.

3. What does Harry see walking around the stage?
(a) One of Genosa's ex-wives.
(b) An actor he does not recognize.
(c) A demon.
(d) A hooded figure.

4. What does Inari do when she shows up at the fight?
(a) Hits Lara.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Hits Harry.
(d) Starts screaming.

5. Why does Harry go back to his office?
(a) To check for clients.
(b) To look for information on Genosa's former company.
(c) To call Murphy.
(d) To look for information on Giselle.

6. What company did Genosa leave to start his own business?
(a) Silverlight.
(b) Just For Women Lingerie.
(c) Pleasure Companies.
(d) White Body.

7. Who is chasing Harry at the beginning of the book?
(a) Monkey demons.
(b) Three vampires.
(c) A ghost.
(d) A bull mastiff.

8. What does Harry tell Thomas their mother said?
(a) Lord Raith wants to kill both of them.
(b) She loves both of them.
(c) They are twins.
(d) They must stay away from each other.

9. Why is Harry shocked when Bob tells him information about Genosa?
(a) Genosa is related to Harry.
(b) His magazine is porno.
(c) Genosa is secretly gay.
(d) He is an adult film producer.

10. What does Genosa decide to do with his employees?
(a) Give them bonus pay.
(b) Send them all home for the day.
(c) Tell the staff they can quit with no hard feelings.
(d) Work them hard so they can get done.

11. What does Thomas say is the reason he came with Harry?
(a) He wants to protect Harry.
(b) He is bored and wants adventure.
(c) He wants to help Harry.
(d) He needs a favor.

12. Why is Harry afraid and angry about Thomas?
(a) He thinks Lord Raith is going to kill him.
(b) He now has a brother that he could lose.
(c) He is thinks he may not be able to do what his mother wants.
(d) He should have been told sooner.

13. What does Harry do when he wakes Thomas?
(a) Slaps him in the face.
(b) Talk to him.
(c) Asks him to go to the game with him.
(d) Pours water on him.

14. What does the person notice when he/she looks in the box?
(a) There are less than he/she expected.
(b) The baby is not breathing.
(c) The curses are turning green.
(d) The scrolls have been damaged.

15. What do the beings chasing Harry do outside the building?
(a) Meld together.
(b) Leave off the chase.
(c) Cause an earthquake.
(d) Shoot Harry with a gun.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Genosa ask Harry?

2. What does Thomas tell Lara about their father?

3. Why does Harry tell Thomas he is nothing to him?

4. What is wrong with Giselle?

5. What does Harry tell Murphy when he sees her?

(see the answer keys)

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