Bless Me, Ultima Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bless Me, Ultima Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which brother is considered most like Antonio's mother?
(a) Leon.
(b) Jason.
(c) Andrew.
(d) Eugene.

2. What does Antonio fear about walking along the river in Chapter 3?
(a) Antonio fears Luptio's killers would attack him.
(b) Antonio feara the river's water would wash the village away.
(c) Antonio feara he would drown if he walked the river's edge.
(d) Antonio fears Lupito's soul flow listless on the river bottom.

3. What does the owl do when Antonio and Ultima walk together along the river?
(a) The owl hoots that fish are swelling in the river stream.
(b) The owl warns that peaceful times were ending.
(c) The owl flew west toward California.
(d) The owl warns that the Antonio and Ultima should return to the Marez home.

4. What name does Pedro call Antonio?
(a) Tone.
(b) Tony.
(c) Antone.
(d) Tonio.

5. How much did Antonio's grandfather pay Ultima to rid Lucas of the brujas' curse?
(a) $4.00.
(b) $40.00.
(c) 40 silver coins.
(d) 40 cents.

6. What does Eugene tell his father he did not want to do?
(a) Pray the rosary.
(b) Work on the highway crew.
(c) Work on the llano.
(d) Go to school.

7. What makes Antonio sick to his stomach in Chapter 1?
(a) Antionio sees Jason talking to the Indian in the old cave.
(b) Antonio thinks of leaving his mother to go to school.
(c) Antonio has an awful dream.
(d) Antonio has to throw fresh alfalfa in the rabbits' pen.

8. Why are curanderas, such as Ultima, feared by the village residents?
(a) Village residents do not know what town Ultima came from.
(b) Ultima is descended from a family of witches.
(c) Ultima's healing powers are believed to be works of witchacraft.
(d) Ultima places a curse on the village crops.

9. Where does the Marez family go every autumn?
(a) They visit Jason's family, bringing alfalfa and herbs
(b) El Puerto, where their mother's family lived.
(c) Guadalupe, to sell their produce at market.
(d) Mexico, to visit their grandparents.

10. What did Manuelito try to do?
(a) Throw a fireball into the witches' dance.
(b) Warn Lucas to stay away from the evil place .
(c) Clear cottonwood brush from the river bend.
(d) Follow the stray cows to the evil place.

11. Why is the blood of spring called bad blood?
(a) It causes an equinox.
(b) It causes the blood of winter to clot.
(c) It raises the dark insides restless where it laid all winter.
(d) It causes the animals to grow restless.

12. What occupation was Antonio's father before marrying his mother?
(a) Vaquero.
(b) Rancheros.
(c) Curandera.
(d) Tejanos.

13. What career choices do Antonio's brothers believe they are limited to?
(a) Living on the llano or working in Guadalupe.
(b) Moving to California or working on the highway.
(c) Becoming a priest or going to school.
(d) Moving to El Puerto to work with their uncles.

14. What supplies does Antonio bring on his first day of school?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Crayons.
(c) Chief tablet.
(d) Pencils.

15. Where doesLupito hide from his pursuers?
(a) Under the state policeman's car.
(b) On the bridge over the river.
(c) He ran to the Marez family home.
(d) In the muddy waters of the river.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who gave Ultima her powers?

2. What does Antonio believe will happen to the men on the bridge?

3. What is the significance of the chipped plaster on the Virgin's statue?

4. Who do the brothers believe will be the answer to their career dilemma?

5. How did the war change Antonio's brothers?

(see the answer keys)

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