Black Wind Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Wind Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do the men from NUMA go after the Icarus has landed?
(a) To San Diego to meet the Deep Endeavor.
(b) To Oceanside to meet the Deep Endeavor.
(c) To Long Beach to meet the Deep Endeavor.
(d) To San Francisco to meet the Deep Endeavor.

2. How does Pitt use the Badger in sabotaging the Odyssey?
(a) He cuts the Odyssey's mooring cables.
(b) He uses it to remove the launch deflectors.
(c) He lashes the Badger to the Odyssey and pulls it out of range.
(d) He drills through a support column.

3. What kind of engine does the rocket being fired from the Odyssey have?
(a) An RD-171.
(b) An R2-D2.
(c) An RD-220.
(d) An RD-120.

4. How long does the launch countdown for a rocket fired from a Sea Launch platform last?
(a) 24 hours.
(b) 72 hours.
(c) 36 hours.
(d) 48 hours.

5. What happens to Kang's yacht?
(a) The Navy SEALS sink it.
(b) It crashes into a dredge boat.
(c) It runs aground.
(d) It is sunk by on board explosives.

Short Answer Questions

1. What type of watch does Pitt wear?

2. What was the cost of the launch vehicle which, according to Christiano, "went up in flames?"

3. What does the Badger's first blow to the Odyssey do?

4. Who is the engineer that informs Ling about the launchpad horizontal deviation on board the Odyssey as the rocket launches?

5. Where do Dirk and Summer land upon their return to the United States?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens during the final showdown between Dirk and Kang?

2. What happens to the Narwhal?

3. What initially happens after Dirk and Dahlgren board the Odyssey?

4. What plan do NUMA and homeland security officials put into action in Chapter 43?

5. How does Dirk Sr. try to foil the launch of the rocket from the Odyssey?

6. What happens to Kwan and Kang's empire?

7. Describe Dirk Jr.'s feelings as he watches the launch from the Odyssey in Chapter 59.

8. What is the role of the USS Benfold in Chapter 63?

9. What do Dirk Jr. and Dahlgren do after the destruction of the Coast Guard ship?

10. Describe what happens after Dirk Sr. and Al spot the Badger tied up to the Odyssey.

(see the answer keys)

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