Black Like Me Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

John Howard Griffin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Like Me Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

John Howard Griffin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During the third section of the book, on what object does Griffin sit while he is in the public space, after his walk?
(a) A fence post.
(b) A bench.
(c) A stoop.
(d) The ground.

2. According to Griffin in his conversation with Mr. Gayle, what can blacks attain to become more equal in society?
(a) Jobs.
(b) City planning.
(c) Community centers.
(d) YMCAs.

3. How does Sterling Williams treat Griffin the second time they meet?
(a) He ignores him.
(b) He treats him like any other customer.
(c) He is suspicious of Griffin.
(d) He is friendly and open with Griffin.

4. What does Griffin say is the biggest problem blacks have?
(a) Their lack of unity.
(b) Their self respect.
(c) Their relationship with whites.
(d) Their living conditions.

5. Where does Griffin decide to eat dinner in the second section of the book?
(a) A cafe.
(b) The YMCA.
(c) Sterling Williams' house.
(d) A white restaurant.

Short Answer Questions

1. While Griffin is walking and looking at restaurants in the third section of the book, whom does he feel he has embarrassed?

2. Which of these is a problem Griffin says blacks create for themselves?

3. What is the profession of Sterling Williams?

4. Which authorities does Griffin decide to notify initially about his project?

5. Where is the first location Griffin goes to, immediately after his transformation?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are three jobs that Griffin tries to get as a black man in the third section of the book?

2. Describe Griffin's confrontation in the street toward the end of the second section of the book.

3. According to Griffin, how do Southern whites view the relationship between races?

4. Describe Griffin's skin treatments in New Orleans.

5. How does the manner in which Sterling Williams speaks to Griffin the second time they meet differ from that of the first time?

6. How does Griffin's story-telling change from the beginning of this section to the end of this section?

7. Why do you think Sterling and his friend Joe taunt the homeless man on the street?

8. Why is J.P. Guillory confused when he hears Griffin's name?

9. How does Sterling Williams react when Griffin reveals his identity?

10. According to Griffin and Mr. Gayle, what is the first step whites believe would threaten the survival of the white race?

(see the answer keys)

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