Black Boy Joy Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Kwame Mbalia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Boy Joy Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Kwame Mbalia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Legendary Lawrence Cobbler-Extinct.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the Introduction, how many secrets does Mbalia share?
(a) 8.
(b) 5.
(c) 3.
(d) 1.

2. How much time do Dre and Jamal have to compete for a key?
(a) 2 minutes.
(b) 4 minutes.
(c) 5 minutes.
(d) 3 minutes.

3. What did Dylan have in the cafe at the Natural History Museum?
(a) Hot chocolate.
(b) Chocolate shake.
(c) Strawberry shake.
(d) Apple cider.

4. On page 8, how far is Fort's mother from her baby's due date?
(a) 1 week.
(b) 2 months.
(c) 2 weeks.
(d) 3 months.

5. In "Got Me a Jet Pack," how many tulips get crushed by the soccer ball?
(a) 4.
(b) 3.
(c) 6.
(d) 5.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Cornell reading when the school bus stops near his house?

2. Where do Rod, Denton, and Kev always play soccer?

3. What did Aunt Netta used to make and serve after church services?

4. According to the UN how many of the plants and animal species on Earth are at risk of extinction?

5. Where does Jevon Lawrence go to school?

(see the answer key)

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