The Bingo Palace Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bingo Palace Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Lyman's slot machine dream, whose face gives him the jackpot?
(a) Lipsha's.
(b) Lulu's.
(c) Shawnee's.
(d) Zelda's.

2. What job does Jewett Parker Tatro have?
(a) Professional poker player.
(b) Banker.
(c) Land agent.
(d) Priest.

3. Where does Albertine search through her family's records?
(a) At her aunt's house.
(b) At the church.
(c) At the university.
(d) At the library.

4. On whom does Lipsha focus all his attention at the gathering in Chapter 2?
(a) Lulu.
(b) Shawnee Ray.
(c) Zelda.
(d) Irene Toose.

5. Why do Lipsha and Shawnee get stopped at the Canadian border?
(a) They don't have proper identification.
(b) They are driving an old car.
(c) Because of a suspected marijuana seed.
(d) They have alcohol in the car.

6. By what other name is Fleur known in the community?
(a) Pillangera.
(b) Mindemoya.
(c) Mosha.
(d) Granderova.

7. Whom does Albertine recognize in the documentary?
(a) Lulu Lamartine.
(b) The president of her college.
(c) A long-lost cousin.
(d) Gerry Nanapush.

8. What does Lipsha call his meeting with Shawnee in Chapter 9?
(a) Their "best meeting."
(b) Their "river walk meeting."
(c) Their "final meeting."
(d) Their "shadows meeting."

9. Who is said to have a "foot on death's row"?
(a) Lulu Lamartine.
(b) Marie Kapshaw.
(c) Fleur Pillager.
(d) Lipsha Morrissey.

10. What financial advice does Lyman give Lipsha?
(a) To save as much as he can and hide it.
(b) To invest in bingo.
(c) To double his money playing blackjack.
(d) To put his money in a bank account.

11. What makes Shawnee decide to move?
(a) Zelda's rule over her life.
(b) She wants her own room.
(c) Lipsha's annoying her.
(d) Redford's illness.

12. What job does Lipsha take in Chapter 5?
(a) Worker at the post office.
(b) Cleaning Lyman's bingo hall.
(c) Bartender at a night club.
(d) Usher at a movie theater.

13. Where does Lipsha wait in Chapter 7, hoping to run into Shawnee?
(a) The library.
(b) The post office.
(c) The laundromat.
(d) The bingo hall.

14. How does Lulu feel about the way Marie raised Lipsha?
(a) She feels that Marie raised him perfectly.
(b) She feels that Marie spoiled him.
(c) She feels that Marie compared him to his mother too much.
(d) She feels that Marie was too harsh with him.

15. To whom does Lulu mail the "wanted" poster?
(a) Marie Kashpaw.
(b) The narrator.
(c) Lipsha Morrissey.
(d) Gerry Nanapush.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Shawnee admit to herself about her relationship with Lyman?

2. What does Lyman offer Lipsha for his pipe?

3. Where does June go to avoid her angry mother?

4. Who rescued Lipsha as a child?

5. Why did the Chippewa come to Albertine's reservation?

(see the answer keys)

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