Being There Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Being There Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Chance tells the man that he wants to tell EE where they are going, what is the man's response?
(a) The man is confused at first and then says they will tell her later.
(b) The man tells Chance that is impossible.
(c) The man tell Chance she is better off not knowing.
(d) The man says he will run to go and get her.

2. When the President of the United States tries to get information on Chance from EE, what does his secretary report to him?
(a) Mrs. Rand says she knows nothing at all about Mr. Gardiner.
(b) Mr. Gardiner will give an in-depth interview the next day.
(c) Mr. Gardiner cherishes his privacy.
(d) Mrs. Rand tell the President's secretary to leave the family alone for now.

3. What favor does Mr. Rand ask of Chance when he sees him after the program?
(a) He asks Chance to escort EE to a United Nations reception.
(b) He asks Chance to marry EE after he dies.
(c) He asks Chance if he was nervous during the interview.
(d) He asks Chance how he'd never heard of him before.

4. What does Grunmann find out about Chance's past at the President's request?
(a) His real name is Chance, not Chauncey Gardiner.
(b) He lived for years with the Old Man.
(c) There are no records on him at all.
(d) He was a professional gardener.

5. How has Sulkin had Gardiner's appearance on "This Evening" analyzed?
(a) He was in the audience that evening for the live broadcast.
(b) He took note of every five-syllable word Gardiner used.
(c) He had psychiatrists evaluate his conversation.
(d) He had computers analyze his vocabulary and other characteristics.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Chance tells Mr. Rand that he's looking better, what does Mr. Rand tell him?

2. What does Ronald Stiegler of Eidolon Books offer to Chance?

3. What was Chance watching on TV when the inspectors arrived?

4. Why does Chance stare directly into the President's eyes when he meets him?

5. What is the one thing Grunmann has found out about Chance by snooping on him in New York?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 6 we learn that Skrapinov is also trying get information on Chauncey Gardiner. Why is Skrapinov so intent on getting this information?

2. Upon entering Chance's bedroom, EE gives him more clues that she is enamored with him. What hints does she drop to Chance and what is his reaction?

3. When the New York Times reporter, Tom Courtney, interviews Chance over the phone, what kind of answers does Chance give him?

4. At the United Nations gala in Chapter 5, who does Chance seem to impress the most and why?

5. What was one of Grunmann's concerns about what Gardiner might be up to? Why is it discounted?

6. In what way does the President incorporate Chance's words on gardening into his speech at the Financial Institute?

7. What does EE find herself thinking about more and more as she flies back to New York from Denver?

8. In what way does Chance inadvertently stun the journalists interviewing him after the U.N. gala?

9. EE expresses her love to Chance in Chapter 5. What are EE's reasons for being so attracted to Chance?

10. Sulkin submits a tape of Gardiner's appearance on THIS EVENING for psychiatric, neurological and linguistic analysis. What is discovered?

(see the answer keys)

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