Being Mortal Test | Final Test - Easy

Atul Gawande
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Being Mortal Test | Final Test - Easy

Atul Gawande
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When did Bill Thomas take over as director of the Chase Memorial Nursing Home?
(a) 1972.
(b) 1998.
(c) 1991.
(d) 1986.

2. What does Gawande say happens in the third stage of a country’s health care development?
(a) Patients return home to die in comfort.
(b) Patients die at home for lack of access to health care.
(c) Patients die in the hospital.
(d) Patients die in poor houses and nursing homes.

3. What percent of Americans does Gawande say died at home at the end of the second World War?
(a) 32%.
(b) More than half.
(c) 17%.
(d) 44%.

4. What does Gawande say changed Bill Thomas’ life to raise his expectations?
(a) A chance discussion with a family friend.
(b) A sports scholarship.
(c) An impromptu interview with a college admissions officer.
(d) High marks on a college prep test.

5. How does Gawande characterize the effect of introducing animals to Chase Memorial?
(a) Pandemonium.
(b) Hilarity.
(c) Happy confusion.
(d) Terror.

6. What does Gawande say he connected himself and his father to, by scattering the ashes in the Ganges?
(a) Their ethnic people.
(b) Something larger than themselves.
(c) Father Time.
(d) Mother Earth.

7. What does Gawande say doctors have to do as people get closer to death?
(a) Weigh the cost effectiveness of each treatment.
(b) Consider the effect of treatment on their family units.
(c) Find the most drastic cures and treatments.
(d) Resist the urge to toy with their health.

8. What does Gawande say Josiah Royce described as the heart of a meaningful life?
(a) Comfort and predictability.
(b) Community and history.
(c) Self-actualization.
(d) Loyalty to a higher cause.

9. How does Gawande characterize the operation he ultimately performed on Jewel Douglas?
(a) Exploratory.
(b) Palliative.
(c) Aggressive.
(d) Extreme.

10. What does Gawande say is the “third type of doctor-patient relationship” (201)?
(a) The Expert.
(b) The Interpretive Doctor.
(c) Mr. Information.
(d) The Companion.

11. What does Gawande say his father’s chance of being paralyzed by surgery were?
(a) 1 in 20.
(b) 1 in 10.
(c) 1 in 4.
(d) 1 in 6

12. What does Gawande say Ronald Dworkin says is the heart of a meaningful life?
(a) The ability to be the author of your own story.
(b) To be well respected by good people.
(c) To have material stability and comfort.
(d) To be free from fear.

13. In what way do doctors “inflict deep gouges at the end of people’s lives,” in Gawande’s opinion?
(a) By drugging people so that they do not have their own experiences.
(b) By inflicting needless treatments.
(c) By allowing the most fearful voices to dominate discussions about mortality.
(d) By denying the importance of the dying role.

14. What was the third place Gawande’s father wanted his ashes scattered?
(a) South Africa.
(b) London.
(c) Germany.
(d) India.

15. What definition of courage does Gawande arrive at, after considering Plato’s dialogue “Laches”?
(a) Strength in the face of knowledge of what is to be feared or hoped.
(b) Endurance of the soul.
(c) Wise endurance.
(d) Discrimination to understand what should be hoped or feared.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Gawande characterize Jewel Douglas’ temperament in the depths of treatment?

2. How does Gawande say he answered when his patient’s family asked if his patient was dying?

3. What did Gawande’s mother want for her husband, when he was dying?

4. By what factor was the doctors’ average overestimation of people’s survival time inaccurate?

5. What does Kahneman say are our two selves?

(see the answer keys)

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