Bearing the Cross Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

David Garrow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bearing the Cross Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

David Garrow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who filed a federal court case that would challenge bus segregation head-on?
(a) Fred Gray.
(b) Rosa Parks.
(c) Robert Graetz.
(d) Martin Luther King, Jr.

2. Who came to the attention of the FBI at the Youth March for Integrated Schools?
(a) Ruskin.
(b) Lewis.
(c) Dexter.
(d) Levison.

3. Why did Rustin resign?
(a) Clayton threatened to say that Rustin and King were lovers.
(b) He was recovering from stab wounds after a woman attacked him.
(c) He was angry with King about the direction of the SCLC.
(d) Rustin was caught at a communist meeting.

4. What happened on the night that the settlement with the city was reached?
(a) The White House told King to back off.
(b) Abernathy was killed.
(c) The KKK arrived to protest.
(d) An activist's home and a hotel were bombed.

5. King was accused of what by the state of Alabama?
(a) A hit and run accident.
(b) Perjury for lying on a state tax return.
(c) Stealing from the SCLC.
(d) Unlawful mob action.

6. Stanley Levison was connected to what party?
(a) Libertarian Party.
(b) Socialist Party.
(c) Communist Party.
(d) Republican Party.

7. What did Connor use on the protesters?
(a) Stun guns.
(b) Police dogs.
(c) Machine guns.
(d) Tear gas.

8. Who made a speech on the day before the march that upset the White House?
(a) Fred Shuttlesworth.
(b) Robert Williams.
(c) Ralph Abernathy.
(d) John Lewis.

9. What happened to King at a book signing in New York?
(a) The store was bombed..
(b) He was stabbed.
(c) He received the Nobel Peace Prize.
(d) He met the President.

10. King was stabbed while in which city?
(a) Chicago.
(b) Atlanta.
(c) Selma.
(d) New York.

11. Why did negotiations fail with the city officials?
(a) They refused to desegregate the city government.
(b) They refused to stop using fire hoses on protesters.
(c) They refused to set up a biracial committee.
(d) They refused to drop the charges against the protesters.

12. Where did a bomb explode in January?
(a) Birmingham Public Library.
(b) First Methodist Church.
(c) Bethel Baptist Church.
(d) Albany Sheraton Hotel.

13. What did the NAACP tell its members?
(a) King was trying to undermine the NAACP.
(b) It was turning to violent protests.
(c) It was disbanding in Albany.
(d) Not to participate in SNCC activities.

14. Why were SNCC members upset with King?
(a) He tried to usurp the president of the group.
(b) They felt he was getting too much credit for the sit-ins.
(c) He wanted to end the Freedom Rides.
(d) They felt he was doing too much in the organization.

15. At the meeting with Kennedy, the President told King to distance himself from whom?
(a) Wilkins.
(b) Abernathy.
(c) Parks.
(d) Levison.

Short Answer Questions

1. When King was pulled over while driving, what did he not have?

2. In what state was the governor fighting integration of a high school?

3. Who did King visit with in New York about the Washington Pilgrimage?

4. In February 1959, King and his wife traveled to see sites made famous by whom?

5. Who went with King to meet with Nixon?

(see the answer keys)

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