Barchester Towers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Barchester Towers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Mrs. Proudie respond to Mr. Slope's sermon?
(a) She thought it was just a joke.
(b) She disagrees with him.
(c) She didn't hear the sermon.
(d) She agrees with him.

2. What do Mr. Stanhope and Charlotte discover about Bertie when they go through paperwork in Chapter 19?
(a) That he has accumulated debt.
(b) That he is planning on moving again.
(c) That he has been seeing two women.
(d) That he has come into money.

3. When Eleanor talks to Bertie about Mr. Slope, what do they agree on?
(a) That Mr. Slope is right.
(b) That they will disagree about Mr. Slope.
(c) That Mr. Slope confuses them.
(d) That Mr. Slope is not trustworthy.

4. What happens to the Archdeacon's meeting with the Bishop about the wardenship in Chapter 18?
(a) It was interrupted.
(b) It was delayed.
(c) It was one-sided.
(d) It was denied.

5. In Chapter 6, what does the Archdeacon feel the church of Barchester needs?
(a) Passion.
(b) A new congregation.
(c) Money.
(d) Quiet.

6. What do the Proudies do when they return from London in Chapter 10?
(a) Move to a new house.
(b) Invite the Stanhopes over.
(c) Throw a party.
(d) Confront the church officials.

7. How does Mr. Arabin feel when he stays with the Archdeacon?
(a) Worried and upset.
(b) Confident and powerful.
(c) Alone and isolated.
(d) Intelligent and lucky.

8. What does the church leadership do after Mr. Slope's sermon?
(a) They find Mr. Slope a job in another town.
(b) They ban Mr. Slope from preaching.
(c) They have Mr. Slope write for them.
(d) They pay Mr. Slope to preach again.

9. How are the Archdeacon and Mr. Harding alike?
(a) They are both preachers.
(b) They are both only children.
(c) They are both liberal.
(d) They are both conservative.

10. How does the author describe the Thornes?
(a) Old-fashioned.
(b) Shy.
(c) Argumentative.
(d) Very modern.

11. Who does Dr. Harding go to in order to discuss the issue of Sunday school?
(a) Mrs. Proudie.
(b) The Bishop.
(c) Mr. Slope.
(d) The Archdeacon.

12. In Chapter 13, what does Mrs. Grantly tell Dr. Harding that she suspects about Mr. Slope?
(a) That Mr. Slope is bribing the congregation.
(b) That Mr. Slope is stealing Dr. Harding's money.
(c) That Mr. Slope is trying to marry Eleanor.
(d) That Mr. Slope is trying to harm her.

13. Why does Mrs. Quiverful visit Mrs. Proudie?
(a) To plot against Mr. Slope.
(b) To discuss the wardenship.
(c) To share some gossip.
(d) To get a recipe.

14. After Mr. Arabin's first sermon, how do the people feel about him?
(a) Indifferent.
(b) Excited.
(c) Confused.
(d) Upset.

15. What does Eleanor do in the morning at the end of Chapter 29?
(a) Reads the newspaper.
(b) Finds a job.
(c) Writes a letter to Mr. Slope.
(d) Packs her bags.

Short Answer Questions

1. When does "Barchester Towers" begin?

2. Who does Mr. Slope visit in Chapter 8?

3. How old is Mr. Arabin?

4. How does Mrs. Quiverful get to the Proudie's?

5. What makes Mr. Slope's relationship with the signora complicated?

(see the answer keys)

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