The Barber of Seville Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Barber of Seville Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Count reveal in an aside?
(a) He cannot decide whether it would be a better idea to keep the letter to himself, or follow through on the original plan and hand it over.
(b) He is not sure if Rosine really loves him.
(c) He is not sure if he trusts Bartholo.
(d) He cannot decide if he should keep his disguise on or take it off.

2. How can Bartholo not see the Count whisper to Rosine?
(a) The Count is blocking his view.
(b) Figaro has his hands over his eyes.
(c) His eyes are closed.
(d) Figaro is standing so Bartholo cannot see their conversation.

3. Why is Rosine shocked and humiliated?
(a) Neither Bartholo or "Lindor" will marry her.
(b) "Lindor" was in fact deceiving her, expressing love on someone else's behalf.
(c) "Lindor" no longer loves her.
(d) Figaro is the man she has been in love with.

4. In Bazile's opinion, when is a husband asking for trouble?
(a) When he loves her more than she loves him.
(b) When he tries to control his wife.
(c) Marrying a woman who is not in love with her husband.
(d) Marrying too young.

5. How does the notary explain the apparent mix-up?
(a) "She must have finally decided which man she wanted to marry."
(b) "There are many girls in town named Rosine."
(c) "I must have written the wrong name down."
(d) "The brides are sisters and bear the same name."

6. Why does Bartholo panic and run for a chair?
(a) There is an earthquake.
(b) Rosine is throwing things at him.
(c) "Alonzo" is fighting him.
(d) Rosine lies and says she thinks she broke her ankle.

7. What makes the Count reveal his true identity?
(a) His conscience tells him to tell her.
(b) Figaro calls the Count "my Lord."
(c) Figaro tells him to tell her.
(d) The expression on her face.

8. When does Figaro say is the moment to reveal who the Count truly is?
(a) As soon as she walks through the door.
(b) Never.
(c) If she says she does not love him.
(d) If she protests that her love is still true.

9. What does Figaro do when he opens the window and sees the room is empty?
(a) He leaves.
(b) He comes in and helps the Count to come in as well.
(c) He climbs in but leaves the Count outside the window.
(d) He calls to see where everyone is.

10. What evidence does the Count have that she loves him?
(a) She has written him a love letter.
(b) Her huge smile.
(c) She tells him she loves him.
(d) Her being upset.

11. Why will Bazile and the notary not be there earlier?
(a) The notary will be out of town.
(b) The notary is engaged to perform the wedding of Figaro's niece earlier in the afternoon.
(c) The notary does not do weddings before dinner.
(d) The notary has a day job.

12. How does Bartholo know there is a plot afoot?
(a) Figaro does not have a niece.
(b) The Count is peering in the window.
(c) The notary seems nervous.
(d) Rosine is acting strange.

13. What does Bazile do when Bartholo asks for the cash back?
(a) He gives it to him.
(b) Bazile refuses to return it.
(c) He laughs.
(d) He runs away with it.

14. With what does Bartholo gently confront Rosine?
(a) A love letter from himself.
(b) The love letter she wrote.
(c) A note from Figaro.
(d) A marriage proposal.

15. For what does Bartholo apologize?
(a) Falling asleep.
(b) Leaving them alone.
(c) Sitting in on the lesson.
(d) Not leaving them alone.

Short Answer Questions

1. Once Bazile leaves, what does Figaro prepare to do?

2. What is everybody joining in convincing Bazile to do?

3. Why does the Count quickly change the plan, and tells the notary that the marriage between himself and Rosine scheduled for later that day is to be performed now?

4. How do Bartholo and Bazile, carrying a lantern, appear?

5. About what is Rosine worrying, when she comes out of her room?

(see the answer keys)

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