Banner in the Sky Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

James Ramsey Ullman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Banner in the Sky Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

James Ramsey Ullman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why didn't Saxo want Rudi coming along?
(a) He saw Rudi as a child.
(b) He thought he would slow them down.
(c) He thought Winter would favor him.
(d) He didn't want to be responsible for the boy.

2. How far beneath the Hut was the town of Kurtal?
(a) Three thousand feet.
(b) Four thousand feet.
(c) Six thousand feet.
(d) Five thousand feet.

3. What job does Teo do?
(a) Manservant.
(b) Porter.
(c) Dishwasher.
(d) Cook.

4. What had Rudi never received before?
(a) Such praise from a man of Winter's capabilities.
(b) A letter.
(c) A written note.
(d) Such fine gifts.

5. How did Rudi react to Captain Winters' story of his rescue?
(a) He was defiant.
(b) He was distraught.
(c) He was embarrassed.
(d) He was pleading.

6. Why didn't Rudi's mother cry and cling to him?
(a) It is what she had done with his father, and he had never come home.
(b) She wouldn't display that kind of emotion.
(c) She didn't want to embarrass him.
(d) She wanted to treat him like a man, not as a boy.

7. Why doesn't Rudi want Winter speaking of his rescue?
(a) His mother and uncle will hear and he'll get in trouble.
(b) He is shy.
(c) He doesn't want the attention from the townsfolk.
(d) He doesn't want to worry his mother.

8. Where did Rudi place the staff?
(a) He carried it in his hands.
(b) Tied to his backpack.
(c) He used it as a walking stick.
(d) Tied to his shoulders.

9. What did Captain Winter remind Rudi of when he was climbing?
(a) A cat.
(b) A jousting warrior.
(c) A man struggling with inanimate rock.
(d) A mountain lion.

10. What was Teo's last hike?
(a) Up the Rotalp.
(b) Up the Citadel.
(c) Up the Monte Rosa.
(d) Up the Wunderhorn.

11. What was the peak of the Citadel hidden behind?
(a) The shoulder of the Wunderhorn.
(b) A dense layer of mist.
(c) The peak of the Wunderhorn.
(d) A large cloud.

12. How many dishes did Rudi break?
(a) Two.
(b) One.
(c) Four.
(d) Three.

13. Where was the voice coming from?
(a) Behind him from the path.
(b) One of the mountain slopes.
(c) Inside a crevasse.
(d) Behind him from the valley.

14. What was the proprietor of the moving shadow?
(a) A foraging dog.
(b) A homeless person.
(c) A tourist couple.
(d) A wolf.

15. Where did Teo tell Franz that Rudi was?
(a) Up the mountain.
(b) Helping in another area of the Hotel.
(c) Out getting more soap.
(d) At the market.

Short Answer Questions

1. What country did Rudi guess the man was from?

2. To what stone did Rudi compare the man?

3. What was the highest honor a man could obtain?

4. What color did Rudy want his face to be?

5. Which glacier did Rudi go up?

(see the answer keys)

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