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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What were the prisoners receiving according to Sara in Chapter 31?
(a) Showers.
(b) More water.
(c) Packages of food.
(d) New clothes.
2. What does the Editor argue prisoners in concentration camps were lacking?
(a) Psychological props.
(b) Water.
(c) Food.
(d) Physical support.
3. Who does Sara introduce in Chapter 30?
(a) Koka.
(b) Irena.
(c) Yosha.
(d) Mashs.
4. What does the Editor say Sara displays a particular interest in as a method of expression?
(a) Fear.
(b) Characters.
(c) The infirmary.
(d) Events.
5. How does the Editor qualify Sara's stories?
(a) True.
(b) Simply told.
(c) Emotional.
(d) Exaggerated.
6. What did Mala do on her way to her execution?
(a) Tried to escape.
(b) Shot herself.
(c) Slit her wrists.
(d) Tried to kill a guard.
7. Who did the resistance arrange for Hans to do?
(a) Work near the Infirmary.
(b) Be captured.
(c) Infiltrate the camp as a prisoner.
(d) Infiltrate the camp as a guard.
8. How was the camp often awakened in April 1945 according to Sara?
(a) By bombing sirens.
(b) By U.S soldiers.
(c) By SS soldiers.
(d) By Russian soldiers.
9. What awoke the infirmary workers two weeks after the New Year?
(a) Bombs and gunfire.
(b) Sound of rifle butts banging at the gate.
(c) Thunder.
(d) Screams and shouting.
10. What did the bombing give to Sara and others in the camp?
(a) Relief.
(b) Fear.
(c) Regret.
(d) Hope.
11. Who was present in Rostock at the same time as Sara?
(a) German civilians.
(b) SS and Auschwitz functionaries.
(c) Polish civilians.
(d) Russian POW.
12. What style does Sara use to tell her story according to the Editor?
(a) Short stories.
(b) TV scripts.
(c) Humor.
(d) Yiddish folktales.
13. How were Mala and her boyfriend returned?
(a) Dead.
(b) They were not returned.
(c) Terribly beaten.
(d) Unharmed.
14. Whose planes were bombing Auschwitz more frequently in the end of 1944 according to Sara in Chapter 31?
(a) England.
(b) Russia.
(c) France.
(d) U.S.A.
15. What camp was Sara relocated to after Auschwitz?
(a) Rostock
(b) Bukenvald.
(c) Treblinka.
(d) Ravensbruck.
Short Answer Questions
1. What did the camp members start to yearn for after reading the newspaper in Chapter 33?
2. What did Mengele do to the ones he brought to the infirmary in November?
3. What country did Sara return to in 1945?
4. What does Sara's story stimulate the Reader to do according to the Editor?
5. Who does Sara say was celebrating the 1945 New Year?
This section contains 393 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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