Aspects of the Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Aspects of the Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which novel does Forster say has a sense of space?
(a) War of the Worlds.
(b) The Antiquary.
(c) Emma.
(d) War and Peace.

2. Forster contends that while The Antiquary has suspense, it lacks what?
(a) Story.
(b) Theme.
(c) Marketability.
(d) Passion.

3. How many hours of the day does Forster suppose should be devoted to love?
(a) Twenty-four.
(b) Five.
(c) Eight.
(d) Two.

4. Forster says he is not analyzing The Antiquary, but rather _____________ it.
(a) Transcribing.
(b) Translating.
(c) Paraphrasing.
(d) Enlightening.

5. In Forster's opinion, what is the key failing of English fiction?
(a) Characters.
(b) Value.
(c) Plot.
(d) Provincialism.

6. Forster's third set of excerpts in the Introduction are from Virgina Woolf and _______________.
(a) Henry James.
(b) Laurence Sterne.
(c) Sir Walter Scott.
(d) Samuel Richardson.

7. Who does Forster say saved his life by telling good stories?
(a) Stein.
(b) Bronte.
(c) Scheherade.
(d) Austen.

8. Who does Forster use as an example when he discusses the difference between real people and fictional people?
(a) Princess Diana.
(b) Prince Albert.
(c) Queen Elizabeth.
(d) Queen Victoria.

9. Forster discusses the death of the character Mrs.Proudie in a novel by whom?
(a) Tolstoy.
(b) Dickens.
(c) Austen.
(d) Trollope.

10. Whose characters does Forster describe as being as "flat as a photograph"?
(a) Leo Tolstoy.
(b) Jane Austen.
(c) H.G. Wells.
(d) Charles Dickens.

11. What does Forster believe a good novel is "sogged with"?
(a) Humanity.
(b) Plot.
(c) Story.
(d) Action.

12. The historian ______________, while the novelist creates.
(a) Records.
(b) Retreats.
(c) Regrets.
(d) Receives.

13. Forster says that neither ________ nor anticipation is interested in Father Time.
(a) Wisdom.
(b) Loss.
(c) Memory.
(d) Love.

14. The story appeals to what is ___________ in people.
(a) Melancholy.
(b) Primative.
(c) Modern.
(d) Progressive.

15. What does Forster say it is impossible to study about literature?
(a) Tradition.
(b) Reason.
(c) Value.
(d) Plot.

Short Answer Questions

1. Forster believes daily life is made up of time and ___________.

2. What is the name of the Jane Austen character that Forster uses to illustrate "life like" aspects of characters?

3. What is the highest common factor to all novels?

4. Forster surmises that the character Moll was born out the author's experience in _____________.

5. Fictional characters come into the world more like what than human beings?

(see the answer keys)

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