As I Lay Dying Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

As I Lay Dying Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose barn does Cash intend to stop by and work on in Chapter 24: "Vardaman"?
(a) Gillespie's.
(b) Samson's.
(c) Tull's.
(d) Darl's.

2. What does Tull describe Addie wearing in her casket in Chapter 20: "Tull"?
(a) Her wedding dress.
(b) A red silk gown.
(c) Her nightgown.
(d) Her favorite church dress.

3. Who is described as the only one of Addie's children that "had his mother's nature, had any natural affection" (19) in Chapter 6: "Cora"?
(a) Cash.
(b) Vardaman.
(c) Jewel.
(d) Darl.

4. What caused Pa to be laid up sick, according to Jewel in Chapter 4: "Jewel"?
(a) He was hit by a jackhammer.
(b) A load of wood fell on him.
(c) He lost his hand to a saw.
(d) He got heatstroke from working the cotton fields.

5. How much does Peabody say he weighs in Chapter 11: "Peabody"?
(a) 190 pounds.
(b) 300 pounds.
(c) 225 pounds.
(d) 250 pounds.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who watches Darl pass through the house while touching her beads in the end of Chapter 2: "Cora"?

2. What do Anse and Jewel argue about in Chapter 24: "Vardaman"?

3. What does Cora perceive as the sign that Addie has died in Chapter 16: "Tull"?

4. For how long does Cora say she's been coming to stay with Addie almost every day in Chapter 6: "Cora"?

5. What does Dewey Dell repeatedly say that she is in Chapter 14: "Dewey Dell"?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Cora Tull characterized as a narrator in Chapter 6: “Cora”?

2. Who is Lafe and what is his role in the novel?

3. What makes Darl Bundren unique as a narrator in As I Lay Dying?

4. How would you describe Jewel Bundren’s actions in carrying the coffin in Chapter 23: “Darl”?

5. What actions and events comprise Chapter 22: “Cash”? How does the chapter end?

6. What is the main setting of As I Lay Dying? Where does the story begin?

7. How does Peabody feel about his objective at the Bundren residence in Chapter 11: “Peabody”?

8. What is the narrative style of As I Lay Dying? Who is introduced in Chapter 1: “Darl”?

9. What is indicated by Kate Tull’s concern about the cakes that don’t sell in Chapter 2: “Cora”?

10. What is indicated by Anse’s superstitions about moving in Chapter 9: “Anse”?

(see the answer keys)

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