A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the literary method used in the novel?
(a) metaphor and irony
(b) chronological account
(c) stream of consciousness
(d) parody

2. Who is Mike Flynn?
(a) The man Stephen's father works for.
(b) The man who buys Stephen's father's business.
(c) The man Stephen goes to work for.
(d) The man who who supervises Stephen's runs around the track.

3. What is the purpose of the trip that causes Stephen's father to sip from his flask?
(a) Stephen's grandmother's funeral
(b) a visit to a clinic
(c) the auction of his property
(d) a job interview

4. Who suggests that Stephen broke his glasses himself in order to get out of his schoolwork?
(a) Father Arnall
(b) Tusker Boyle
(c) the bully Wells
(d) Father Dolan

5. After what does Stephen model his poem titles in his notebook?
(a) odes by Keats
(b) newspaper headlines
(c) the collected poems of Lord Byron
(d) the Canterbury Tales

6. What does Stephen pretend not to notice when his mother says goodbye to him at school?
(a) that she was going to cry
(b) that she was in a hurry to leave
(c) that she wore too much perfume
(d) that her hat was on backwards

7. What results when Stephen is bullied again?
(a) He runs away from Clongowes.
(b) He fights back.
(c) He gets a bloody nose.
(d) His glasses break.

8. What choice is given two of the older boys after the group of runaways is returned to Clongowes?
(a) a choice between flogging and expulsion
(b) a choice between flogging or the stocks
(c) a choice between flogging or public humiliation
(d) a choice between flogging or the gauntlet

9. How does Stephen follow the adult conversation at Christmas?
(a) He takes in everything and understands.
(b) He wonders why adults like to talk so much.
(c) He does not understand fully what they talk about.
(d) He begins to formulate new political ideas.

10. What is demanded by boys Stephen meets on the road?
(a) money for his lunch
(b) an introduction to Mercedes
(c) identification of his favorite poet
(d) to play hookey that afternoon

11. What do the boys at school tease Stephen about?
(a) wetting his bed
(b) kissing his mother before bedtime
(c) writing letters to Eileen
(d) wearing short pants

12. What is the name of the school Stephen next enrolls in?
(a) Belvedere
(b) Byron Academy
(c) Dublin Polytechnic
(d) Cleeves

13. What gives Stephen a second clue that all is not well financially with the family?
(a) He notices slight changes around the house.
(b) He does not get new clothes.
(c) His father sells the automobile.
(d) His mother takes in laundry.

14. Which of the older boys opted for the flogging?
(a) a boy named Wells
(b) a boy named Tusker Boyle
(c) a boy named Corrigan
(d) a boy named Simon Moonan

15. What is Stephen's favorite reading material?
(a) comic books
(b) The Pickwick Papers
(c) the newspaper
(d) The Count of Monte Cristo

Short Answer Questions

1. What is a major theme of the book?

2. What does Stephen keep pasted inside his desk?

3. At school, what is the unusual word Stephen sees carved into a desk?

4. Who bumps Stephen into a square ditch of slimy, cold water?

5. What do Stephen and Aubrey do in the meadow?

(see the answer keys)

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