Appointment in Samarra Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Appointment in Samarra Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Julian see at the club when he goes there for lunch?
(a) Ed Charney
(b) Harry Reilly
(c) Froggy Ogden
(d) Al Grecco

2. What does Julian leave with the maid before leaving for work?
(a) A guest list
(b) Instructions for the party
(c) Her paycheck
(d) A check for the liquor

3. What does Caroline want Julian to do?
(a) Drive slower
(b) Buy her a mink coat
(c) Adopt a child
(d) Smooth things over with Harry

4. Julian's feelings toward Harry changed _____________________________.
(a) When Harry wouldn't buy a Cadillac
(b) When Harry got divorced
(c) As soon as Julian felt beholden to him
(d) When Harry had an affair with Caroline

5. How many times had Julian tried to run away from home as a boy?
(a) 7
(b) 1
(c) 5
(d) 10

6. What topic does Julian talk about?
(a) New Year's Eve
(b) Lute's promotion
(c) Children
(d) The dealership

7. How old was Caroline when she fell in love with Julian?
(a) 27
(b) 13
(c) 18
(d) 21

8. What happened to Caroline's first love?
(a) He died from war injuries
(b) He married someone else
(c) He was gay
(d) He moved to Seattle

9. What does Harry's sister tell Julian?
(a) Harry is asleep
(b) Harry has a black eye
(c) Harry has a hangover
(d) Harry has left town

10. What does Caroline tell her mother?
(a) She is pregnant
(b) She lost her party guest list
(c) She wants a divorce
(d) She needs some recipes

11. Who was Caroline's second love?
(a) Doug Ross
(b) Ed Charney
(c) Mike MacKenzie
(d) Joe Montgomery

12. How does Julian try to not get too drunk tonight?
(a) Plays billiards
(b) Plays poker
(c) Dances with Caroline
(d) Plays a mental game

13. What do Al and Foxie want to remind Helene?
(a) She needs to stop drinking
(b) She should behave like a lady
(c) She is behind on her rent
(d) She belongs to Ed

14. What does Julian put into his mouth?
(a) A gun
(b) A cigar
(c) A sucker
(d) A stick of gum

15. Lute does not drink too much or __________________.
(a) Spend too much money
(b) Use prostitutes
(c) Cheat on his wife
(d) Go to church

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Julian have to stop the car to fix?

2. Who is Lute surprised to see come into the Stage Coach Inn?

3. Where does Julian die?

4. How does a girl improve her social status in Gibbsville?

5. How much money does Julian think he needs for dealership expenses?

(see the answer keys)

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