Apollo Test | Final Test - Easy

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 64 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Apollo Test | Final Test - Easy

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 64 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Okenwa do when Raphael told him not to come close to him when he visited Raphael in his room?
(a) He moved close.
(b) He moved away.
(c) He told Raphael his parents were just trying to keep them apart.
(d) He left the room.

2. What three emotions did Okenwa say he experienced when he learned why Raphael did not use the eye drops?
(a) Happy, empathetic, amused.
(b) Infuriated, sorrowful, enraged.
(c) Amazed, embarrassed, saddened.
(d) Astonished, amused, moved.

3. What did Raphael make for Okenwa after he said he wanted one while watching a Bruce Lee movie?
(a) A black belt.
(b) Training gloves.
(c) A karate gi.
(d) A nunchaku.

4. What did Okenwa tell Raphael to do in order to help get the eye drops in his eyes?
(a) Breathe like in kung fu.
(b) Squeeze his hand tight.
(c) Watch a Bruce Lee movie for distraction.
(d) Count to ten.

5. Where did Okenwa and Raphael practice kung fu?
(a) The staff club.
(b) Okenwa's room.
(c) Raphael's room.
(d) Okenwa's backyard.

6. What did Raphael once do while Okenwa was in his room?
(a) Hug him.
(b) Kiss him.
(c) Lay his head on his shoulder.
(d) Hold his hand.

7. What did Okenwa's mother tell Okenwa to do once they discovered Raphael's infection?
(a) Help Raphael with his medicine.
(b) Read about Apollo and write a report.
(c) Take over Raphael's chores.
(d) Stay away from Raphael.

8. How did Okenwa feel when his family returned home from dinner and Raphael was not there?
(a) He was upset he had to clean up after himself.
(b) He felt relieved he did not have to see Raphael.
(c) He was concerned Raphael would get fired.
(d) He felt his home had been emptied of life.

9. What would Raphael say while watching Bruce Lee movies with Okenwa, which Okenwa felt made him see "the films anew" (4)?
(a) Amazing!
(b) Wow!
(c) Watch It!
(d) Look! Look!

10. What did Okenwa's parents tell Raphael to do once they realized what was wrong with his eyes?
(a) Go to his room.
(b) Leave and never come back.
(c) Find a doctor.
(d) Have Okenwa get him medicine.

11. How often did Okenwa go to Raphael's room while he was infected?
(a) Once a week.
(b) Before and after school.
(c) Every other day.
(d) Once a day.

12. What does Okenwa still remember about the time he and Raphael fought outside and he managed to hit Raphael with his nunchaku?
(a) Raphael's wet brow and smile.
(b) Raphael's strong arms and sparkling eyes.
(c) Raphael's strength and anger.
(d) Raphael's small shorts and leg muscles.

13. Where does Okenwa go after dinner when Raphael is confined to his room?
(a) The backyard to practice kung fu alone.
(b) The movies.
(c) His own room.
(d) Raphael's room.

14. What words did Raphael repeat to Okenwa when he came to his room while he had Apollo?
(a) "I need help."
(b) "Get out of here."
(c) "Thank you."
(d) "Don't come close."

15. Why did Raphael not use the eye drops Okenwa's parents had given him?
(a) He did not believe his infection was serious.
(b) He thought Okenwa's parents were trying to hurt him.
(c) He was unable to do it on his own.
(d) He did not believe in medicine.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Okenwa's father bring to Raphael after they discovered he had an infection?

2. How did Okenwa's mother describe Raphael's infection to him?

3. What did Okenwa's mother notice about Raphael's eyes during lunch when she complained about his food?

4. What did Okenwa offer to do to help Raphael while he has the infection?

5. What did Okenwa's father say was wrong with Raphael's eyes when his mother noticed something during lunch?

(see the answer keys)

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