Anthills of the Savannah Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Anthills of the Savannah Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Lou Cranford's attitude toward the President and his staff?
(a) Polite and formal.
(b) Shy and a little fearful.
(c) Familiar and domineering.
(d) Admiring to the point of being worshipful.

2. At the end of Chapter 8, what does Chris say he won't do?
(a) Give up the things he loves.
(b) Abandon his friend, the President.
(c) Resign his job.
(d) Lie low.

3. Who is Mad Medico?
(a) A clinically insane mental patient who staged a protest against a hospital.
(b) A foreigner who began a crusade against malpractice in the nation's hospitals.
(c) The President's personal physician, who made an attempt on the President's life.
(d) The nickname of Dr. Ofe, a doctor guilty of serious malpractice.

4. Whom does Beatrice sometimes feel like while in bed with Chris?
(a) Chielo, the holy priestess and prophetess.
(b) Queen Elizabeth with her paramour.
(c) The goddess Idemili.
(d) Beatrice from Dante's Divine Comedy.

5. Who does the President send to officially welcome the Abazon delegation?
(a) Professor Okong.
(b) Ikem Osodi.
(c) Chris Oriko.
(d) Major Johnson Ossai.

6. What do the people of Abazon do to anger the President?
(a) They voted against his becoming President for life.
(b) They wanted to become an independent state.
(c) They took over a neighboring territory, brutally murdering the inhabitants.
(d) They tried to overthrow him.

7. What have the Abazonians heard about Ikem?
(a) He has fought for the poor people of the nation.
(b) He has written critical articles about the Abazon people.
(c) He is the puppet of the President.
(d) He has no power to help them now, as he is in disfavor with the President.

8. To whom does the Attorney-General compare the President during their conversation near the end of Chapter 2?
(a) Gandhi.
(b) Caesar.
(c) Jesus.
(d) Hitler.

9. Who does the Attorney-General say may not be one hundred percent behind the President?
(a) Ikem Osodi.
(b) Chris Oriko.
(c) Professor Okong.
(d) Major Johnson Ossai.

10. What is Beatrice's job?
(a) She works in a shop.
(b) She is a newspaper reporter.
(c) She works for the Ministry of Finance.
(d) She is a literature professor.

11. What is the meaning of the phrase uwa-t'uwa, which Beatrice used to repeat to herself as a child?
(a) A woman is a woman.
(b) Woman born of woman.
(c) World within a world.
(d) World without end.

12. Where does Ikem meet with the delegation from Abazon in Chapter 9?
(a) At the Presidential Palace.
(b) At his offices in the National Gazette.
(c) At his private home.
(d) At the hotel where they are staying.

13. In Chapter 3, who does Ikem say must be overthrown?
(a) The King of Misinformation.
(b) The wild Sun of April.
(c) The Brigadier of Misfortune.
(d) The Messenger of the Creator.

14. What does Ikem think of the President, Sam?
(a) He is a fool.
(b) He is a brilliant man.
(c) He is basically a good person who wants to do what is right.
(d) He is a brutal and vicious dictator who must be overthrown.

15. When Beatrice awakens the morning after her argument with the President, what does she hear a bird singing?
(a) Is the king's property correct?
(b) Wake the lady, wake the lady!
(c) Beatrice, Beatrice!
(d) Who mocks the king?

Short Answer Questions

1. What is apparently the main reason the President refuses to visit Abazon?

2. How do Chris Oriko and the President first meet?

3. What does the delegation from Abazon say they want?

4. Who is the President warned may be plotting against him?

5. What does Mad Medico once do for the President while they are both in England?

(see the answer keys)

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