Annihilation Test | Final Test - Medium

Jeff VanderMeer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Annihilation Test | Final Test - Medium

Jeff VanderMeer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the biologist pass on her way to the lighthouse in 03: Immolation?
(a) An abandoned village.
(b) A mass grave.
(c) A dead body.
(d) A field of deer.

2. Which field assignment is Rock Bay for the biologist?
(a) Her fifth.
(b) Her third.
(c) Her first.
(d) Her tenth.

3. What is unusual about the shed husk that the biologist kicks over?
(a) It is made of solid gold woven into fine strands.
(b) It looks like the skin of an extinct species of snake.
(c) It resembles a familiar human face.
(d) It's still alive.

4. What does the biologist discover underneath the rug in the top room of the lighthouse?
(a) A secret door.
(b) Scratch marks in the floor.
(c) A cryptic note.
(d) The psychologist's severed face.

5. What does the biologist see when she looks down from the top of the lighthouse balcony?
(a) The boar.
(b) The psychologist's body.
(c) A far-away beam of light.
(d) A doppelganger of herself standing on a doppelganger of the lighthouse.

Short Answer Questions

1. What time does the biologist reach the lighthouse in 03: Immolation?

2. Aside from the anthropologists death, what makes the psychologist upset the morning at base camp in 04: Immersion?

3. What words keep standing out to the biologist in one particular journal?

4. What first surprises the biologist when she arrives to the psychologist's position at the foot of the lighthouse?

5. What does the biologist find on the landing half-way up the lighthouse?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is unique about the dolphin that the biologist experiences on her way to the lighthouse?

2. What is one thing that the biologist and psychologist argue about while they are on the beach?

3. How does the "brightness" impact the biologist after she is shot?

4. How does the biologist's description of her parents differ from the psychologist's description of them?

5. What does the biologist discover about the psychologist's body when she descends to the bottom of the lighthouse?

6. What does the biologist discover in the lower levels of the lighthouse?

7. What are some details that the biologist learns from the journals that she finds under the trap door in the lighthouse?

8. What is the nickname that the biologist's husband gives her and what does it mean?

9. What does the biologist infer about the man whose face is circled in the picture she discovers in the lighthouse?

10. What does the biologist describe as her best field assignment?

(see the answer keys)

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