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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What religion does Chris say his family was in Sweden?
(a) Catholics.
(b) Methodists.
(c) Presbyterians.
(d) Lutherans.
2. What order does Burke give Anna in Act 3?
(a) Get dressed quickly so they can go ashore.
(b) Stop whining.
(c) Be quiet.
(d) Sit down.
3. What is the setting at the opening of Act 3?
(a) Providence.
(b) Kennebunkport.
(c) New Bedford.
(d) Boston.
4. What does Chris say he wants to do after he gets his tin of beer from the bedroom?
(a) Dump his drink into the ocean.
(b) Have a party with the other sailors.
(c) Drink a toast.
(d) Ask Anna to unlock the safe where she keeps the beer.
5. What does Anna tell Burke and Chris that stuns both men in Act 3?
(a) That she worked in a house of prostitution.
(b) That she had a baby.
(c) She is already married.
(d) She tried to kill herself.
6. Where does Anna wish she were in the beginning of Act 3?
(a) San Francisco.
(b) Sweden.
(c) St. Paul.
(d) New York.
7. What does Chris knock over when he attacks Burke?
(a) Chair.
(b) Bench.
(c) Vase.
(d) Table.
8. What noise does Chris make as he wrings his hands together and begins to weep in Act 3?
(a) Harsh growl.
(b) A Laugh like a seal.
(c) Clicking noises.
(d) He whimpers like a child.
9. What does Chris go into his room and retrieve before he leaves the barge in Act 3?
(a) Sweater.
(b) Gloves.
(c) His cap.
(d) Jacket.
10. What news does Burke tell Chris in the cabin when Anna is not there?
(a) His parents are in town.
(b) He will marry Anna by day's end.
(c) He has decided to go to college.
(d) He is getting a new job.
11. How many days have passed between the end of Act 3 and the beginning of Act 4?
(a) One.
(b) Three.
(c) Two.
(d) A week.
12. Why does Anna tell Chris she will not marry Burke at the beginning of Act 3?
(a) She doesn't love him.
(b) She doesn't like sailors or the sea.
(c) She is not good enough for him.
(d) She finds him unattractive.
13. Why does Anna push Chris out of the way in Act 3?
(a) She saw Burke was trying to hurt him.
(b) She is trying to save him.
(c) She doesn't want him interfering.
(d) She is afraid for him.
14. What is Burke about to do when he stops because he feels very doubtful about Anna's oath in Act 4?
(a) Kiss Anna.
(b) Shake her hand.
(c) Give Anna some flowers.
(d) Leave the cabin.
15. What toast does Anna make that Burke drinks to in the last scene of the play?
(a) "Here's to us!"
(b) "Skoal."
(c) "May God smile on you."
(d) "Here's to the sea, no matter what!"
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Anna say just before throwing herself into a chair and sobbing hysterically in Act 3?
2. When Chris interrupts Anna and Burke's embrace in Act 4, what does Burke do?
3. What is Anna holding but not reading while sitting in the rocking chair in the cabin?
4. Where is Cape Town located?
5. Where is Anna sitting when Act 4 begins?
This section contains 513 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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